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312 Enfeebling Skill is more then enough in most scenarios. I’ve yet to have an issue with anything I solo. Typically enfeebling only matters on Gods or HNM, as those are the hardest to stick a spell on, and neither of which I currently do. My current gear is more then enough to handle the tasks at hand. Should I venture into other activities, I’ll be sure to keep my gear on par with the task at hand.

As for my post count, 392 is nothing for as long as I’ve been signed up to FFXIAH. Check my transaction history, it goes all the way back to Nov 22th. Between now and then, that’s a 6 month time frame. At the very least, 180 days of being on FFXIAH forums equals to 2.1 posts per day. That’s LOL compared to the regulars on here, Lu is freaking 4k+. And trust me, I’ve been around FFXIAH for a long time, I just used my transaction history as an example because it’s the one thing you cannot deny. I’ve been around FFXIAH for a lot longer then that, which would lower my posts per day if I had an actual number to work with.

Seriously though, this has been going on for 2 days now… I’m gonna say my final bit and leave this thread, as it’s consumed far too much of my time.

Windower is illegal, which provides an unfair advantage over those that don’t use it. You can say anything you want to try and justify why you’re using it, but as far as I’m concerned all you’re doing is whining cause you know I’m right. You want to use Windower? Fine. I won’t order you or demand to you uninstall it, but it is my belief that until you provide proof (Through FRAPs) that you are able to take on challenging tasks without Windower, that you fall under the category of “unskilled” simply because you rely on Windower to get the job done. You will not and cannot change my perception of that. I am better then you until you prove to me otherwise.

With that said, I bid you all farewell, and good luck in your FFXI adventures, I am thankful the majority of you are not on my server.

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