Valefor WHMs Wanted

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Valefor WHMs wanted
By volkom 2011-07-22 13:04:06  
Valefor.Leith said:
volkom said:
Valefor.Leith said:
volkom said:
Valefor.Leith said:
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
Valefor.Kissmekillme said:
:) Bad player, Who cares, cry less... If I remember right you got kicked for logging off after being asked to come whm. Like What 2-3days after the ls Finished ur lv80. Hadn't even been in the shell for a month so I guess bad call on the leader ur bashing to trust some scrub like you. Why would you ppl believe this kid when he comes here to cry and find a shoulder to cry on?
You insult the guy repeatedly for having high blood pressure and refusing to come play whm? You must have more of a basis than that to call him a scrub or a bad player and don't tell me the fact he posted on this site is your only other reason.

So far you just sound angry and please don't ignore my points just to exclaim, "You're not on Valefor." because they still stand regardless
Thank you, at least someone gets it. I told them from the start, my WHM is a back up last resort job, I know for a fact I suck at it, and I don't like playing it. I let myself get too worked up, screwing with my blood pressure, and to avoid a potential health issue, I logged off. Big deal. First raid I missed without prior notification to the leader the entire time I had been in the shell. I don't know what I did to you kiss, but you've had a beef with me ever since I joined the shell, so I can't help but think you must be some form of elitist.
if you get that worked up over a game, should find a new hobby
Well I always say, if a game stops being fun or feels like work, theres no real point in playing is there? The fact of the matter being I told the leader I'm a bad WHM. He tells me to come WHM anyway. I put on a bad performance, and sure enough, I get called a bad player for it hmmmm
well then become a better whm? and how does things go bad for just healing someone? all you really do is spam like 2 spells unless the mob is hitting other people then its the tank/dd's fault
I dislike WHM, I only leveled it so I could take it to seal runs, since I can handle normal NMs and don't have other proc jobs, as for things going bad, apparently my reaction time for curing isnt fast enough or i forget a certain buff (the times I was WHM our main focus was Glavoid) so more oft than not, people were getting one shotted and it was my fault, because our nins didnt use migawari(lol)
eh, kinda sounds like ur tanks suck then. I had a nin tank glavoid with a guy dual boxing a healer and a blm..I don't recall the nin ever going below 75% hp. then again the DD had subtle blow builds so.. =/
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 134
By Shiva.Johneblaze 2011-07-22 13:29:26  
I don't understand how you got a linkshell to farm you an emp when you can't do something as simple as cure. The leader probably kicked you because insubordination in a "work enviroment" shell is cancerous.
Time for a new hobby if FFXI actually has any control over your blood pressure. From your description they should suck less also.
Now that I got that out of the way try tossing unneccesary cures to keep stoneskin on tanks, Cure based off of NM's readying moves vs hp meter (expect all stuns to fail), it only takes 30 secs the first time you fight a nm to know what bars to run honestly, DEMAND members request buffs as they drop if you can't keep them all up (some people feel like they are being dicky constantly asking for buffs but I prefer being told what to cast on them) Location Location Location I see more whm bite the dust cause of poor location during fights stagger pos of nm and tank or w/e is necc per nm. And PLEASE whm's carry echo drops like ninja's do shihei :P
By volkom 2011-07-22 13:31:13  
Shiva.Johneblaze said:
I don't understand how you got a linkshell to farm you an emp when you can't do something as simple as cure. The leader probably kicked you because insubordination in a "work enviroment" shell is cancerous.
Time for a new hobby if FFXI actually has any control over your blood pressure. From your description they should suck less also.
Now that I got that out of the way try tossing unneccesary cures to keep stoneskin on tanks, Cure based off of NM's readying moves vs hp meter (expect all stuns to fail), it only takes 30 secs the first time you fight a nm to know what bars to run honestly, DEMAND members request buffs as they drop if you can't keep them all up (some people feel like they are being dicky constantly asking for buffs but I prefer being told what to cast on them) Location Location Location I see more whm bite the dust cause of poor location during fights stagger pos of nm and tank or w/e is necc per nm. And PLEASE whm's carry echo drops like ninja's do shihei :P
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 13:36:16  
volkom said:
Shiva.Johneblaze said:
I don't understand how you got a linkshell to farm you an emp when you can't do something as simple as cure. The leader probably kicked you because insubordination in a "work enviroment" shell is cancerous.
Time for a new hobby if FFXI actually has any control over your blood pressure. From your description they should suck less also.
Now that I got that out of the way try tossing unneccesary cures to keep stoneskin on tanks, Cure based off of NM's readying moves vs hp meter (expect all stuns to fail), it only takes 30 secs the first time you fight a nm to know what bars to run honestly, DEMAND members request buffs as they drop if you can't keep them all up (some people feel like they are being dicky constantly asking for buffs but I prefer being told what to cast on them) Location Location Location I see more whm bite the dust cause of poor location during fights stagger pos of nm and tank or w/e is necc per nm. And PLEASE whm's carry echo drops like ninja's do shihei :P
Why try to be better at WHM when I don't like to play it? want me to delevel it so I can't? I mean really how hard is that to understand. If I enjoyed WHM, or leveled it because I actually wanted to play it, I could probably put my mind to it and be pretty decent. Don't sit there and bash me over it
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Valefor.Kissmekillme 2011-07-22 13:54:58  
I don't understand why ur trying to act like you didn't do anything wrong. If anything playing a job badly just to not be asked to play it is probably a good reason to kick you in the first place. Ur giveing these ppl half a story bashing on a leader and ppl that helpped you. You got asked to play whm like what twice in 1 week and you played war and thf between the times you were asked to play whm. Come on dude one of the times was for ur own Shells and you still halfassed it.

When did thinking a person should try become elitist?
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-07-22 13:58:42  
Ugh I hated people that do ***like this, don't level a job if you aren't going to use it.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-07-22 13:58:59  
"DD onry" people are the worst.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 14:00:49  
Valefor.Kissmekillme said:
I don't understand why ur trying to act like you didn't do anything wrong. If anything playing a job badly just to not be asked to play it is probably a good reason to kick you in the first place. Ur giveing these ppl half a story bashing on a leader and ppl that helpped you. You got asked to play whm like what twice in 1 week and you played war and thf between the times you were asked to play whm. Come on dude one of the times was for ur own Shells and you still halfassed it.

When did thinking a person should try become elitist?
You're saying that I didn't try, and played the job badly ON PURPOSE so I didn't have to play it. That's completely false, the closest thing I had to a healing job before WHM was RDM, and I leveled that just before abyssea, so didn't have much experience in merit parties and what not. Look at my other jobs, WAR, SAM, THF, NIN, DNC i'm a front-line job player, not a healer. So no, I didn't half *** it on that run for my own shells. Ask Miami. I was sitting there asking him to coach me in tells so I could do my best possible, so don't sit there and say that I didn't try.
And btw, at what point in this did I bash Over? All I said was I got kicked because I didn't come WHM, in no way shape or form did I say anything negative about him particularly.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2011-07-22 14:06:14  
Leviathan.Draylo said:
"DD onry" people are the worst.

LOL right like everyone wakes up in the morning thinking omg I can't wait to cure today!

Seriously Leith. The game nowadays is far more about give, and take. If you aren't willing to put in work on a mage or support job at least part of the time to give your ls mates a break don't be surprised when getting kicked becomes a regular event in your game experience.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2011-07-22 14:09:49  
Word! Need to change the title of this thread to TY so much ls for letting me leech my Glavoid shells....
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 334
By Bismarck.Raistlinratt 2011-07-22 14:15:24  
He would have been better of just not posting anything. This all makes him look SO BAD. I hope he doesn't want any other LS to help him on anything for a long time.

"I can't play WHM for health reasons. My blood pressure will get too high and I might die." wow....just wow...amazing how these things coincide with finishing empyrean weapon.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Rooks
Posts: 136
By Cerberus.Kelhor 2011-07-22 14:18:18  
I can't let whiny DD onry types lot Itzpapalotl Scales. Makes my gout flare up.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Valefor.Kissmekillme 2011-07-22 14:26:55  
Before he gets on here rageing.

Not all the shells he got from this ls.

I don't know his history about how he got them. (believe he left the other shell he got them from or was kicked)

I'm not just saying ur a bad player based on how you play whm, but more then once you didn't have proc weapons on nin or war @ 1 point or another.

More then once when playing thf u'd afk without saying anything and a mob would go without TH.

I'm not really gonna list every little thing but let's not act like u tried or anything.

When all thf is most the time is just being there to touch the mob once.
Posts: 26
By Helper 2011-07-22 14:30:51  
Leith - In life sometimes is best to keep your mouth shut and do as you're told. Your LS helped you get your level 80 Ukon and instead of being a grateful member you choose to be a problem.

GL upgrading to 85
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Cyxx
Posts: 52
By Valefor.Cyx 2011-07-22 14:32:44  
This is pretty much a pointless thread now if all it is going to be is a bash thread. I will admit I mildly started it but I was very careful in how I phrased what I said as to not blame anyone. That being said.

I'm sure we have all played enough to understand that if you level a job you will be asked to play it at one point or another. We are all grown ups and realize that it will happen because you can't always get what you want. With this understanding you have two choices. You can either decide to make yourself good at the job you don't like and gear it well so that when the situation comes up you don't look bad. Or you can choose to not gear up that job and learn it so when you are asked to show up you let others down and make yourself look like an LOLplayer. The choice you make describes the player you are. As an example, I hate whm in abyssea. It is Cure V and haste over and over. Anyone can play this job well because the base whm job is two spells. I chose to deck out my whm with everything I could which in turn made me main whm in most of my ls' because I was the best they had. I didn't like whm, but it was what was best for the ls. I chose to leave all ls' and solo on my own because the game is to easy.

This game is made up of choices, if you don't wana do something then don't. Just remember that your choices will reflect on others as well.

サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 14:34:24  
Valefor.Kissmekillme said:
Before he gets on here rageing.

Not all the shells he got from this ls.

I don't know his history about how he got them. (believe he left the other shell he got them from or was kicked)

I'm not just saying ur a bad player based on how you play whm, but more then once you didn't have proc weapons on nin or war @ 1 point or another.

More then once when playing thf u'd afk without saying anything and a mob would go without TH.

I'm not really gonna list every little thing but let's not act like u tried or anything.

When all thf is most the time is just being there to touch the mob once.
Any time I go afk, I say so in pt chat, but you seem to be too busy on your xbox live chat to pay attention to that.
I put my GK in Mog Locker rather than Satchel ONE TIME. Big whoop.
And no, I didn't leave my other shell, and I wasn't kicked either, the leaders left the game without a word 1/2 through glavoids, and I waited a month and a half for them to come back before moving on, get over yourself
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 14:39:12  
Everyone ranting on and on about how apparently I'm a douche that leeches from shells, you obviously don't know me and have a severely skewed perspective of the situation.
Get over yourselves and learn the fact that this is a *** game, not life.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Rooks
Posts: 136
By Cerberus.Kelhor 2011-07-22 14:50:58  
You're a douche, and here's why.

I ran a shell for a long time, and the first thing you learn is that you can't stick the same people on the same jobs all the time. If someone has WAR, SAM, and WHM, and they're on WHM 24/7, the best case scenario is that they're unhappy. The more likely scenario is that they leave, but even if they're just unhappy, you're failing them as a leader. Not everyone is going to be equally good at every job; that's just life. But what you can do is rotate people around on easier events/NMs, so that AwesomeWHM gets to smack things with a greataxe now and then too. It's not fair to them to have to continually play a job they maybe don't like as much, just because others can't be bothered. That rotating of jobs is in everyone's best interests, because it means you don't get stuck on perma-WHM either.

The sort of selfish jackass who won't take their turn in the healing role doesn't deserve help from the people who will.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 14:56:25  
Cerberus.Kelhor said:
You're a douche, and here's why.

I ran a shell for a long time, and the first thing you learn is that you can't stick the same people on the same jobs all the time. If someone has WAR, SAM, and WHM, and they're on WHM 24/7, the best case scenario is that they're unhappy. The more likely scenario is that they leave, but even if they're just unhappy, you're failing them as a leader. Not everyone is going to be equally good at every job; that's just life. But what you can do is rotate people around on easier events/NMs, so that AwesomeWHM gets to smack things with a greataxe now and then too. It's not fair to them to have to continually play a job they maybe don't like as much, just because others can't be bothered. That rotating of jobs is in everyone's best interests, because it means you don't get stuck on perma-WHM either.

The sort of selfish jackass who won't take their turn in the healing role doesn't deserve help from the people who will.
Ok so not wanting to do it once out of the entire time that I was in that whm rotation makes me a selfish jackass? But if it had been for any other reason (like the fact we ran every night and I wanted a break) it would be just fine?
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Valefor.Kissmekillme 2011-07-22 14:57:06  
I'm sorry this is jsut the person I am but...

This is a game and some how it effects ur health?

Think you needa read what ur typeing and think it over before trying to give others this info.

Don't get on a forum Bashing ppl and giveing ur skewed perspective on what happen to try and get back @ ppl or try to win sides or w/e you were doing here.

Apparently u were just a leech cause within the same week of getting ur shells you didn't know how to act.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-07-22 14:57:48  
So now you wanted a break but before it was health reasons? So full of ***lol
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 14:59:53  
Leviathan.Draylo said:
So now you wanted a break but before it was health reasons? So full of ***lol
I didn't say I wanted a break, it was just an example for "if it was any other reason" sorry if it sounded that way
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 15:02:05  
Valefor.Kissmekillme said:
I'm sorry this is jsut the person I am but...

This is a game and some how it effects ur health?

Think you needa read what ur typeing and think it over before trying to give others this info.

Don't get on a forum Bashing ppl and giveing ur skewed perspective on what happen to try and get back @ ppl or try to win sides or w/e you were doing here.

Apparently u were just a leech cause within the same week of getting ur shells you didn't know how to act.
I have chronic hypertension (High Blood Pressure) > If I get angry/frustrated, blood pressure goes up > blood pressure goes up, I'm in deep ***
If I enjoy myself, the hypertension isn't an issue
Again, where in this am I bashing anyone? I've only been defending myself, the one getting bashed
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Valefor.Kissmekillme 2011-07-22 15:03:43  
Cerberus.Kelhor said:
You're a douche, and here's why. I ran a shell for a long time, and the first thing you learn is that you can't stick the same people on the same jobs all the time. If someone has WAR, SAM, and WHM, and they're on WHM 24/7, the best case scenario is that they're unhappy. The more likely scenario is that they leave, but even if they're just unhappy, you're failing them as a leader. Not everyone is going to be equally good at every job; that's just life. But what you can do is rotate people around on easier events/NMs, so that AwesomeWHM gets to smack things with a greataxe now and then too. It's not fair to them to have to continually play a job they maybe don't like as much, just because others can't be bothered. That rotating of jobs is in everyone's best interests, because it means you don't get stuck on perma-WHM either. The sort of selfish jackass who won't take their turn in the healing role doesn't deserve help from the people who will.

Funny thing is there are 6 whms in the shell... and that night was his turn @ whming.(4 @ this time cause 2 are out for health reasons or family stuff)

サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2871
By Fenrir.Niniann 2011-07-22 15:04:28  
There's a very easy way to reduce your stress levels as WHM-- pick maybe one or two people to cure on a hard NM. The rest of the people can go *** themselves, since a ton of DDs shouldn't be on say Glavoid anyway. If they die the fight actually gets easier for you. :D

Seriously though, blood pressure isn't that good of an excuse--they have meds for that. My dad's work gives him severely high blood pressure and he didn't just up and quit his job. :x Sometimes you need to dill pickle otherwise you face the consequences of getting the boot.

Also yeah, job cycling is in the best interest of everyone. I can tell you right now I *** hated when I was BRD for like a good year and a half all the time. :|
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 15:04:28  
Well I'm done trying to get my point across, no use defending an accusation if it's completely false. Think what you wanna think lol its a game, get over it
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-07-22 15:05:32  
Fenrir.Niniann said:
There's a very easy way to reduce your stress levels as WHM-- pick maybe one or two people to cure on a hard NM. The rest of the people can go *** themselves, since a ton of DDs shouldn't be on say Glavoid anyway. If they die the fight actually gets easier for you. :D

Seriously though, blood pressure isn't that good of an excuse--they have meds for that. My dad's work gives him severely high blood pressure and he didn't just up and quit his job. :x Sometimes you need to dill pickle otherwise you face the consequences of getting the boot.

Also yeah, job cycling is in the best interest of everyone. I can tell you right now I *** hated when I was BRD for like a good year and a half all the time. :|
Well a job is different from a game :P That's been my point this whole time XD
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1759
By Carbuncle.Flionheart 2011-07-22 15:06:30  
Fenrir.Niniann said:
There's a very easy way to reduce your stress levels as WHM-- Use healerman9000

サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2871
By Fenrir.Niniann 2011-07-22 15:06:36  
Valefor.Leith said:
Well a job is different from a game :P That's been my point this whole time XD

I understand, but honestly this game is closer to a job than a game. If you want things in this game you have to make sacrifices and do things you don't want to do, play jobs you don't want to play.

If you don't like that the game's like this, there's tons of other MMOs out there that have a better system than FFXI. :/

@Fli: rofl