[dev1075] Voidwatch Adjustments

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[dev1075] Voidwatch Adjustments
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サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-02-03 09:03:40  
I don't want to make this topic again, do not start any trouble please.

Thank you!

01-10-2012 03:02 PM
Community Rep

Thanks so much for all the feedback regarding Voidwatch.
I have a couple responses to some of the suggestions and opinions that have been stated. (Sorry it’s a bit long)

  • Drop rates of equipment for each chapter
    There are no drop rate differences for equipment in chapter 1, 2, or 3. Each has the same amount of rarity and there are no differences between chapters.

  • Bonuses for players who spawn the monster
    It would be possible to look into this if other players who pay the costs received the same effects, for example, receiving the same benefits when using the maximum amount of cells. On the other hand, we are not thinking about offering special benefits just for spawning the monster. In extreme cases, only the player spawning the monster would consume Voidstones and continuous battles could take place which would eliminate the good point of Voidwatch where each member receives their own reward and would also develop long claim times.

  • Cruor needed for atmacite upgrades
    For the amount of cruor needed to upgrade atmacites, the idea was not to acquire these beforehand in Abyssea, but to upgrade atmacites while receiving cruor as rewards for Voidwatch. In order to save cruor, it’s possible to increase the amount gained by using cells or participate in battles without spending Voidstones just for cruor rewards.

In regards to other feedback we have received, especially about the areas we plan to focus on to address, I would like to go over the planned adjustments.

  • Weaknesses and rewards
    Since exploiting a monsters weakness is directly linked to the rewards, it seems like players are focusing on creating parties that can quickly defeat monsters whose weaknesses can be exploited easily. As we would like players to utilize weaknesses as an element of strategy, we would also like players to have fun on a larger scale, so we will be looking into making it so that the connection between exploiting weaknesses and the rewards received are not too strong.

  • Weakness revamps
    In order to create battles that can be completed without relying on temporary items, we are planning to revamp weaknesses as well as adjust the distribution of temporary items.
    Also, in regards to cases where the weakness is difficult or due to your setup you cannot exploit it even though you determined what it is, we are planning to perform appropriate adjustments. Though we have already received quite a bit of feedback on weakness, if there are any others you would like us to look into please submit your feedback.

  • Addition of option to destroy rewards
    Currently, players need to receive all the rewards at once; however, since it is inconvenient when there is a rare item that you already possess and you are unable to receive the rewards, we will be making it possible to get rid of the item without obtaining it. We are planning to implement this during this week’s test server update.

  • Subsequent follow-ups
    Depending on the route/monster (also depending on players), they are becoming split into popular/unpopular, so we will be continuing to find ways to make it so it will be easy for players that take on these routes later to gather party members.
    Also for players that have already cleared these routes, there are already benefits for them to re-do them, such as being able to participate without spending Voidstones and receiving cruor/XP rewards; however, since we feel this isn’t enough, we will be looking into other benefits to participate in fights that have already been completed.

Finally, we plan on discussing topics in regards the loot system in the future, so please continue submitting your feedback.

01-16-2012 04:39 PM
Community Rep

Hey everyone!

Thank you for all of your feedback.
I would like to answer some of the questions that have been raised in response to the planned adjustments that I announced last week, as well as provide more detailed information on the battle adjustments that will be made.

Now, I am sure that some players are worried that this content will become more difficult to complete or that it will become more difficult to obtain loot, but I would like to assure you that none of the planned adjustments will be disadvantageous for the players.

Freezing issue in certain zones

A lot of players have been reporting freezing issues with Voidwatch in Fort Karugo-Narugo (S). This issue is being addressed with the highest priority.

As a temporary fix, we plan on implementing a Voidwatch battle with the same content as Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) in a different area.

Battle adjustments

My opinion on Voidwatch is that it is content in which the player must proc weaknesses with the correct timing and use temporary items wisely.

That is exactly what our idea for Voidwatch was at the time of first implementation.

However, recently the issue of only tanks being able to get near the target due to powerful AoE spells has shifted the balance. As a result, players have become more dependent on temporary items and more often than not, players continually proc weaknesses in order to use temporary items. We agree with the players saying that “it’s ridiculous that one hit from an AoE spell kills me,” and this is the issue that we are placing a high priority on resolving.

As a future adjustment, we’re considering lowering the damage that non-targeted characters receive from AoE spells. We will re-evaluate the overall balance once we reduce the damage from AoE spells, but if further adjustments are necessary, we may look into the effects of weaknesses.

※With regard to battle balance, I would like to note that we do not assume that every player has the best armor, such as Aegis and Ochain, or Relic/Mythic/Empyrean Weapons. It is definitely advantageous to have the best gear, but we are making adjustments so that even players without the best gear are able to creatively finish all content.

The separation of exploiting weakness and loot

A specific adjustment we have planned is to set blue and red alignment at their maximum values at the beginning of the battle.
※It would be possible to raise these values even more through ascent items.
As a result, players will not have to worry about exploiting weakness in order to obtain better loot. Our aim is for players to only have to consider exploiting weakness as part of their battle strategy. Also, this adjustment will address the difficulty of smaller parties obtaining loot.

01-18-2012 04:34 PM
Community Rep


I would like to make an addition to a planned adjustment that was announced earlier.

The issue at hand is the highest priority issue that we would like to address first before we make any other adjustments. There are many other adjustments we would like to make, but if we make too many adjustments at once, the following issues may occur:

  • The balance is shifted too quickly, possibly making the game worse

  • It is difficult to see improvement because too many changes are made

  • An unexpected adverse effect occurs due to the changes overlapping

To avoid these problems, it would be best to plan adjustments in order based on priority and their effect.

In response to us making adjustments in stages, many of you may feel that we are not making enough adjustments, but we hope you understand that our plan is to continuously make adjustments.

Also, when leaving feedback I would like to ask that you provide detailed opinions with suggestions for improvement, rather than simply stating whether you like or dislike a proposed adjustment. This would be very helpful for us.
Now, I will address some feedback that has been submitted.

I personally like the separation of weaknesses and loot, but I feel like this leads to players simply switching to their strongest jobs to finish content.
We understand your concern that players will simply switch to their strongest jobs due to the removal of the necessity to proc weaknesses and we’re carefully planning to address this issue.

In order to avoid content becoming monotonous, an idea we are looking into is not completely separating weakness and loot by increasing the maximum bonus attained through cells and other ascent items. As a result, if there are few players involved, using cells will replace having to proc weakness, and for larger parties, it would be possible to avoid paying the high cost for cells by procing weakness as usual.

We may discover some issues with the above proposal upon our extensive review, but we believe that if we completely separate weakness and loot, it is inevitable that players will lean toward using only their strongest jobs.

In order to allow creative freedom in battle, it is necessary to improve the effects of procing weakness, so that it is more enjoyable to use various tactics to proc weaknesses rather than resorting to using the strongest job available. This is a long term goal for us, so it is not possible to make this change all at once, but we will be taking steps one by one to achieve this goal.

Please let us know what you think.

01-23-2012 02:22 PM
Community Rep


We will be implementing the below adjustments to Voidwatch during this week’s test server update.

  • Addition of same battle content as Route: Jeuno 2 - Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) to Beaucedine Glacier.

    ※Beaudedine Glacier has been added to the list of teleports offered by the Atmacite Refiner.
    ※The above addition is a provisional change.

  • The below monsters’ AoE damage to non-targeted players () will be lowered.

    ※Amount of damage dealt to pets will also be lowered.

    Route Battle Area Monster Name
    Route: San d’Oria King Ranperre's Tomb Hahava
    Route: Bastok Dangruf Wadi Celaeno
    Route: Windurst Outer Horutoto Ruins Voidwrought
    Route: Jeuno Qufim Island Kaggen
    Lower Delkfutt's Tower Akvan
    Behemoth’s Dominion Pil
    Route: Zilart Ru'Aun Gardens Aello
    Ve'Lugannon Palace Uptala
    The Shrine of Ru'Avitau Qilin
    Route: Jeuno 2 Grauberg (S) Ocythoe
    Vunkerl Inlet (S) Gaunab
    Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Beaucedine Glacier Kalasutrax
    Valkurm Dunes Ig-Alima
    Buburimu Peninsula Botulus Rex

We will continue to make adjustments as we see how the current AoE damage adjustments affect battles going forward, so please be sure to submit any feedback you have.

01-26-2012 01:43 AM
Community Rep

[dev1075] Voidwatch Adjustments

*The following content is in development. Specific details may differ from the release version.

  • The Jeuno II Voidwatch operation at Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) may also be undertaken at Beaucedine Glacier.

    *Beaucedine Glacier will be added as a destination to Atmacite Refiner teleportation menus.
    *This is a temporary measure.

  • Effect area damage received from the following enemies will be reduced for non-targeted characters:

    *This damage reduction also applies to pets.
    Jurisdiction Operation Area Enemy
    San d'Oria King Ranperre's Tomb Hahava
    Bastok Dangruf Wadi Celaeno
    Windurst Outer Horutoto Ruins Voidwrought
    Jeuno Qufim Island Kaggen
    Lower Delkfutt's Tower Akvan
    Behemoth's Dominion Pil
    Zilart Ru'Aun Gardens Aello
    Ve'Lugannon Palace Uptala
    Shrine of Ru'Avitau Qilin
    Jeuno II Grauberg (S) Ocythoe
    Vunkerl Inlet (S) Gaunab
    Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)Beaucedine Glacier Kalasutrax
    Valkurm Dunes Ig-Alima
    Buburimu Peninsula Botulus Rex


02-01-2012 12:25 PM
Community Rep


I bring some news regarding the Voidwatch loot system, which I think you all will appreciate quite a bit.

The development team has been well aware of all of your frustrations when you friend hears you receive an item that they have been after for some time, but you are unable to pass it to them and have no choice but to toss it.

They have been looking into adjustments to the reward system extremely carefully to preserve the benefit of each person receiving a personal reward when participating, instead of having to lot against others. As a result, they are thinking about implementing the below type of system.

  • In the event that a rare/ex item drops to you when you already possess the item, it will be possible to exchange that item for a ticket (name pending)

  • Once you obtain a certain amount of these tickets, it will be possible to exchange them for their respective rare/ex item. (*edited at 3PM 2/2/2012)
    *There will be different types of tickets for different items and you will need to collect the respective ticket for the item you would like.
    *The required number of tickets is still being looked into and there is a possibility of change, but currently we estimate it to be about 5~6.

  • Tickets will be tradable and sellable.

The development team feels that this will not destroy the meaning of having personal rewards, and though the drop rate balance will not be changed, even if you continue to have bad luck obtaining the item you wish, by collecting the tickets from your friends you will eventually be able to obtain the item.

Since there are a lot of rewards items, meaning a large amount of tickets to be created, we will start off by looking into implementing the hard to get items first. Please understand that it will take some time before this is all implemented.

02-02-2012 04:47 PM
Community Rep

Hey everyone.

I followed up with the development team to get an answer as to whether or not you need to already possess the rare/ex item to obtain a ticket. They said that you will in fact need to have the item in your possession and they are not planning to make it so you can give a ticket to someone else when you could obtain the actual item.

Also, to clarify the original post; each piece of gear will have their own ticket (and I've amended the original post for clarity). I've also seen questions about "will this apply to Heavy Metal Plates, too?" and the answer is no, this is currently planned for equipment pieces only.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2012-02-03 09:28:36  
"In the event that a rare/ex item drops to you when you already possess the item, it will be possible to exchange that item for a ticket"

Most stupid fix ever! Just give another r/x item instead and everyone is happy.

Collecting more stuff is just what we needed after abyssea.. /goodbye inventory once more.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Ragnarok.Nekonarf 2012-02-03 09:32:31  
You over look what it does for the system, let me give you a proper scenario.

Player A has a Toci's Harness but is after the feet that Pil drops.
Player B is 0/whoknows on Toci's but keeps getting feet.

Player A gets another Toci's harness and takes it as a ticket instead of letting it floor.
Player B gets the feet and takes it as a ticket.

Both player A and player B trade tickets and go appraise them for proper item, both players are now happy.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-02-03 09:34:44  
*starts trouble with Kalilia*

Ragnarok.Nekonarf said: »
You over look what it does for the system, let me give you a proper scenario. Player A has a Toci's Harness but is after the feet that Pil drops. Player B is 0/whoknows on Toci's but keeps getting feet. Player A gets another Toci's harness and takes it as a ticket instead of letting it floor. Player B gets the feet and takes it as a ticket. Both player A and player B trade tickets and go appraise them for proper item, both players are now happy.

I can't express how perfect of an example this is. I have literally received 4 toci's harness now when I only wanted the feet in the first place. My roomate keeps making runs for Pil because he actually wants the body and I keep getting the body on his runs.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2012-02-03 09:47:24  
Ragnarok.Nekonarf said: »
You over look what it does for the system, let me give you a proper scenario.

Player A has a Toci's Harness but is after the feet that Pil drops.
Player B is 0/whoknows on Toci's but keeps getting feet.

Player A gets another Toci's harness and takes it as a ticket instead of letting it floor.
Player B gets the feet and takes it as a ticket.

Both player A and player B trade tickets and go appraise them for proper item, both players are now happy.
Well, I didn't say that it's not a fix but it's still stupid.

I agree that it can help getting the item you need but at what cost?
Getting x tickets for an item you already possess isn't going to be much easier than it is right now.

If you are lucky, it changes everything but if you aren't it changes absolutely nothing, whatsoever.

In some cases, you won't see any r/e item in multiple runs, maybe plates instead.
You get no tickets, you won't get the one item you want, you get nothing you really desire.

So, how is this going to be better?

It's still dependent on luck and not on what items you already have.
In my opinion, they should just make it so you will get an item you don't have already or just plates instead.

Now that would be a fix.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nevill
Posts: 2420
By Bismarck.Nevill 2012-02-03 09:48:33  
Because tickets are tradable I assume.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 455
By Carbuncle.Grandthief 2012-02-03 09:52:05  
Bismarck.Nevill said: »
Because tickets are tradable I assume.
That would be incredibly easy and I doubt that they would do that.

If they would want to go that route, I assume that they would just make it so spoils could be added to the pool.
Which they don't do either and which would be a great fix too.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-03 09:58:01  
Carbuncle.Grandthief said: »
Bismarck.Nevill said: »
Because tickets are tradable I assume.
That would be incredibly easy and I doubt that they would do that.

If they would want to go that route, I assume that they would just make it so spoils could be added to the pool.
Which they don't do either and which would be a great fix too.

Camate said:
In the event that a rare/ex item drops to you when you already possess the item, it will be possible to exchange that item for a ticket (name pending)
Once you obtain a certain amount of these tickets, it will be possible to exchange them for their respective rare/ex item. (*edited at 3PM 2/2/2012)
*There will be different types of tickets for different items and you will need to collect the respective ticket for the item you would like.
*The required number of tickets is still being looked into and there is a possibility of change, but currently we estimate it to be about 5~6.
Tickets will be tradable and sellable.

Reading comprehension, go!
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Ragnarok.Nekonarf 2012-02-03 10:02:08  
Okay? and that's Voidwatch for you, you're not promised anything and that's what makes the system good because if you were given everything up front then it would just be another Abyssea and everyone would be looking to quit again.

The rates are fair if you bring 18 people, I usually see one or two bodies fall in about 8 of any NM I'm killing(I wish the same could be said about the Sky NMs but hey apparently all drop rates are the same), sure there are dry spouts where you wont see anything good in 12-20+ kills, but that's just how the system is setup so you aren't burning through it and have nothing to do.

I don't see how you find this to be the most terrible thing ever when people who already own said gear, can take the item out of the chest as a ticket, something that is;

Not Exclusive.

It might be rare I'm not gonna claim it wont be.

If it's not rare then that means it would possibly be a stackable item.

If you don't want to trade it for another piece of gear that someone else has obtained you could always market it off and make gil.

I already have a few people in shell who refuse to bring stones to certain NMs and just accept the cruor/exp as a reward because they have what they want off of it and are just there to help, but when the change eventually comes, they could use a stone, get more cruor / exp and if they get the item that they already own they could pull it from box and pass it off, thus speeding up the process.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-03 10:04:42  
You'll need somewhere in the range of 5-6 tickets in order to obtain the item.

They won't be rare or ex.

Why doesn't anyone read? :(
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 616
By Ragnarok.Nekonarf 2012-02-03 10:10:09  
I don't know if you some how missed this..

I followed up with the development team to get an answer as to whether or not you need to already possess the rare/ex item to obtain a ticket. They said that you will in fact need to have the item in your possession and they are not planning to make it so you can give a ticket to someone else when you could obtain the actual item.

Also, to clarify the original post; each piece of gear will have their own ticket (and I've amended the original post for clarity). I've also seen questions about "will this apply to Heavy Metal Plates, too?" and the answer is no, this is currently planned for equipment pieces only.

I don't know if it was a translation goof on his behalf but he makes it out to sound that you're only gonna need to obtain 1 ticket to get the item, needing to obtain 5-6 of a single ticket just to trade off an item would be redundant and would cause more issues then fix overall(Hi guy who has Courscanti, you'd need to get another 6-7 total out of the box before you could help your friend out)

Maybe what they ment was they were planning to release first a small batch of tickets (5-6) which would cover the first 6 VW bodies, and then watch how things go from there to see if they'd need to expand the system to all drops or just to select drops.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-03 10:13:58  
No, you can take a ticket if YOU already have the item.

Then you can give it to a friend or sell it.

It's pretty clear what they mean.

Ex: You don't have Toci's Harness.
*Harness drops in chest.
*You have to take it out, you can't get a ticket instead.

Ex2: You have a Toci's Harness
*Harness drops in chest.
*You can take a ticket instead.
*You can give the ticket to a friend or sell it.
*If you receive 5-6 of those tickets somehow, you can trade it for Toci's Harness, but the tickets from Toci's Harnesses are necessary and specific to obtaining a Toci's Harness via tickets.

Reading isn't hard :(
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Elspetta
Posts: 1670
By Phoenix.Elspetta 2012-02-03 10:13:59  
*The required number of tickets is still being looked into and there is a possibility of change, but currently we estimate it to be about 5~6.
By 2012-02-03 10:15:49
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サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2012-02-03 10:51:37  
lol 5-6 Asteria tickets? You'll be waiting a long time my friends to get a single useful drop.

Glowing weapons have Dring level rates. Strike Dring 6x and you should invest in some lottery tickets instead of playing Tanakas wheel of misfortune.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-02-03 10:56:21  
Then don't get tickets /o/

People who are unlucky will be more than happy to spend a lot of gil on something they really want.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-03 10:57:27  
Tickets will be in exceedingly short supply.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-02-03 10:58:01  
But what If i were willing to trade 4 toci tickets, 4 mekira tickets, 4..... ogier tickets for a coruscanti? I suppose that if you REALLY wanted an item you could achieve your results. It's better than going 0/500 on a blue dagger, only for 2 in a row to fall to your buddies whm mule.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-02-03 10:58:58  
You're right, but you know what?

However many there are that are made ever week, that player now has that much more of a chance to get that item rather than doing VW the normal way while others go 1/1 and they are spending gil just to do VW.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-03 10:59:08  
Ragnarok.Ashman said: »
But what If i were willing to trade 4 toci tickets, 4 mekira tickets, 4..... ogier tickets for a coruscanti? I suppose that if you REALLY wanted an item you could achieve your results. It's better than going 0/500 on a blue dagger, only for 2 in a row to fall to your buddies whm mule.

It doesn't matter if you were willing to do that, you won't be able to do it.
By 2012-02-03 10:59:33
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サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-03 11:02:25  
The improvement at one's ability to get Bodies/Weapons will be infinitesimal.

We only think that people getting 2-3 bodies is so common because of confirmation and reporting biases.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-02-03 11:03:17  
So since you have this information that people don't get bodies they already have as much as we think could you share that with us? <3
Posts: 935
By Chyula 2012-02-03 11:11:15  
oh *** me and I thought I'll have some use with those 40+ band from akvan -.-. watch ticket price will be 5-6 mil. 30-36 mil for something 0/200+ seem legit.

Back to tossing out thsoe bands again T.T
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-02-03 11:11:37  
Your chance of getting the item is 0.5% no matter what.

People are just more likely to *** and moan and report it when they get it on the wrong character, or someone gets two in a row, or whatever.

This doesn't change the random distribution of the drop.

If you have a Toci's, it still takes 139 pils to have a 50% chance at another drop of Toci's to yourself.

If 5% of players doing Pil already have Toci's, then that's a 50% chance of one ticket generated every 2780 Pils.

Statistically, then, you'll see one ticket every 11960 Pils.

tl;dr This does basically nothing.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sambb
Posts: 334
By Carbuncle.Sambb 2012-02-03 11:12:47  
I think the system is a good idea, it isn't promoting getting the gear fast but thats not the point.

I have mentioned in a previous VW thread how my desire to do it has waned because item drops are too inconsistent. However this was mainly aimed at metals (specifically pouches dropping)

I like to work towards something and actually SEE progression towards said goal, with friends or by myself this system allows me and my friends the opportunity to get the things we want either

1. By luck of the mob dropping said item,

2. or saving the tickets up either by swapping with friends or ultimately buying them

3 it gives me another form of potential income these ticket things wouldnt sell cheap.

I really don't see the issue with this at all its the same as everything else pretty much (in terms of get item, bazaar it, profit). The only thing id ask em to do is increase heavy plate drop rate as not getting any made me stop doing VW pretty much... If I am gona work towards a trial for lets say for arguments sake 8hrs and not even get 1 pouch its not going to hold my attention.... the market needs more plates in it..........
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-02-03 11:12:58  
Bismarck.Sylow said: »
Ragnarok.Ashman said: »
But what If i were willing to trade 4 toci tickets, 4 mekira tickets, 4..... ogier tickets for a coruscanti? I suppose that if you REALLY wanted an item you could achieve your results. It's better than going 0/500 on a blue dagger, only for 2 in a row to fall to your buddies whm mule.
It doesn't matter if you were willing to do that, you won't be able to do it.

I wouldn't be able to trade tickets I've already accrued for other tickets and amass several types as if they were trading cards? That's funny. I already have gotten 3 toci's past my first, in an attempt to get sollerets. If I had a ticket for every mantis eye, ally chakram, or fajin boot (or pugio for that matter) i've gotten it would rival some peoples gil.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-02-03 11:29:59  
Bismarck.Sylow said: »
Your chance of getting the item is 0.5% no matter what.

People are just more likely to *** and moan and report it when they get it on the wrong character, or someone gets two in a row, or whatever.

This doesn't change the random distribution of the drop.

If you have a Toci's, it still takes 139 pils to have a 50% chance at another drop of Toci's to yourself.

If 5% of players doing Pil already have Toci's, then that's a 50% chance of one ticket generated every 2780 Pils.

Statistically, then, you'll see one ticket every 11960 Pils.

tl;dr This does basically nothing.
Honestly don't care what statistics tell us, point being is I can give a ticket the next time I get the body I already have to a friend that needs it, and that's all I care about.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2012-02-03 11:32:43  
Tickets are going to be so overpriced they might as well not exist.

Instead of wasting time with this dev diarrhea they should have invested in a point system with stuff like Toci's/Murasame set high enough that eventually you could purchase your own drops after lots of kills. Keeps stuff R/EX, keeps to their 'no merc' policy and gives people GOALS.

This halfass system does nothing but seal the inevitable 5-6 tickets for a Toci's costing 150M.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Elspetta
Posts: 1670
By Phoenix.Elspetta 2012-02-03 11:41:01  
One problem that is going to occur is the random people who get a body they do not/cannot use. We are expecting them to hold onto said body and essentially -1 their inventory so they can get tickets instead for those that need them.

My guess ~~ this won't happen. People will either mule the body or toss the body. So when they go on the run again, they will have no choice but to take the body again.

You have a good percentage of the community that does not read the forums, even for update notes. They will not know about the new system unless someone tells them. Then you still have the issue of inventory being full. If someone only has mage jobs and no desire to level melee jobs, chances are they will not keep that Toci's harness lying around.
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