How to Scholar
By: A Scholar
Step 1: Unlock SCH.
Step 2: Level SCH to Level 5, then obtain Embrava.
Step 3: Level SCH to Level 30, then leech it in abyssea. Be sure to spam as much enhancing magic has possible during this time.
Step 4: After you reach level 99, cap out (and merit 8/8) enhancing magic.
Step 5: Obtain any mix of the following items totalling 500 enhancing skill.
a) Kirin's Pole must be augmented via synergy with a genbu scrap. Best augment is enhancing +12.
b) Aptus Earring augment of enhancing +2.
Step 6: Make a haste + dark magic skill set and cap dark magic skill.
Step 7: Accept that, despite having Cureing/Nuking/Enfeebling/etc item sets for a versatile mage, you'll never be used for anything beyond Embrava and Alacrity Stun.
The End.
Author's Notes: I miss nuking on SCH. ; ;