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Artemis Moonlight [Cerberus]
メンバー: 252 | Lodestone
Last Updated: 8 years
Kupo welcome to Artemis Moonlight FC ;-) If you like to join us and meet new friends! We wish to offer help for all lv players. send us a /tell for an invite!
ランク アイテム名
0 Arcania Themis
1 Nyx Hypnos
2 Lion Power
2 Sundra Swift
2 Vincent Young
2 Coyo'te Lega
2 Naomi Kisume
2 Salkrai Vasaire
2 Skie Twili
2 Yspier Amatin
2 Weeping Castle
2 Baron Scuttlebucket
2 Damn Daniel
2 Eeeeee Eeeee
2 Gagas Katinus
2 Gigipoki Lilipoki
2 Kyotanas Lann
2 Lodan Arion
2 Nim Ree
2 Rhaya Crust
2 Byeol Yoong
2 Naroke Envok
2 Wren Nbolo
2 Brunhilde Gefion
2 Mawx Furia
2 Nassarassaur Dinosaur
2 Canil Ber
2 Kaede Dothur
2 Master Spanky
2 Rosvo Roope
2 Soli Tas
2 Alice Watts
2 Balurius Backenbart
2 Gravia Dark
2 Kassdy Bandy
2 Kili Zavar
2 Lethe Atmora
2 Lothian Dawn
2 Mini Morph
2 Ragnashi Tobecc
4 Vecreuge Magus
4 Gutsu Batteru
4 Richard Fabian
4 Omega Mage
4 Last Samuraii
4 Lelouch Vii
4 Dacien Aureux
4 Averil Lannis
4 Flammie Quohn
4 Furukawa Nagisa
4 Morphet Bekkles
4 Z'ado Miko
4 Riley Lionheart
4 Atma Azur
4 Leo Thorne
4 Nashu Dantalion
4 Dean Beaumont
4 Khase Lanathyr
4 Scott Armstrong
4 Malluk Drakenel
4 Akino Arai
4 Sinyen N'varr
4 Zhein Royle
4 Lyralel Rynn
4 Foulbreed Shorty
4 Terellia Vhuh
4 Tomito Bunumito
4 Scotty Skywalker
4 Berude Dhoro
4 Aztharoth Astare
4 Deidra Piper
4 Ae Rin
4 Elyssae Lynkinstorm
4 Felix Wagner
4 Lilyandlo Rotaidalg
4 Diz Yaeger
4 Jean Rayne
4 Laryan Faen
4 Ayako Misaki
4 Erithian Delacose
4 Rossiter Lebret
4 Miyuki Akiyama
4 Raziel Audron
4 Lunya Storm
4 Mic Saber
4 Yudi Najmat
4 Rivienne Aerdenhout
4 Kero Wintfohcsyn
4 Riven Qt
4 Dankeir Arancar
4 Sallazar Slith
4 Barabyczka Evain
4 Eternal Sin
4 Wynne Kett
4 Morax Leozox
4 Joldo Darkhope
4 Kaien Tosho
4 Ni Wu
4 Rodgan Qei
4 Bada Bing
4 Darkstar Aion
4 Delaqua Frost
4 Fulton Strom
4 Misutogan Araragi
4 Chi'naa'dun Chichi
4 Jay Park
5 Enid Lyehga
5 Lilith Love
5 Vincent Highwind
5 Nrvnqsr Dantes
5 Gun Clan-clan
5 Aerchion Ghardok
6 Rinoa Branford
6 Benjamin Wolfheart
6 Pan Abba
6 King Slayerd
6 Claude Bennet
6 Jaxdax Dyiner
6 Anabelle Skye
6 Dzjuul Krapuul
6 Xytras Jandelaine
6 Xansot Mercer
6 Ava Reid
6 Mika Lee
6 Marie Melaine
6 Recette Tear
6 Tynisa Altulus
6 Carlosa Ria
6 Silas Thorne
6 Endalmir Crescentmoon
6 Choa Avalon
6 Toff Kun
6 Jiro Cu
6 Alex Hepburn
6 Karim Tyraniz
6 Ichanoo Mira
6 Lis Gabriel
6 Burilgi Moks
6 Twohands Devilrider
6 Cat Bully
6 Argent Crimson
6 Eager Dawn
6 Thaliyag Irresistible
6 Azazel Dragneel
6 Mira Bellenbaum
6 Rinaka Ayata
6 Jc Strife
6 Sam Crowd
6 Mauritius Fugite
6 Wilsonius Strife
6 Kyle Aragna
7 Lilith Moonfire
8 Belmont Lauthier
8 Lunar Lavell
8 Caius Bellend
8 Mcguyver Zero
8 Eadmund Crowther
8 Lwyn Farshard
8 Snow Noctis
9 Asuna Relanah
9 Tehf Tsala
9 White Xlll
9 Erza Leonhardt
9 Bert Swift
9 Fullmetal Wolf
9 Saryn Storm
9 Nikos Rtms
9 Rhianwen Bell
9 Sirzechs Leviathan
9 Adhar Gorm
9 Bar'ques Renlo
9 Sophia Roobear
10 Chtylla Esperanza
11 Crague Stormspear
11 Lyser Petrova
11 Shadowflame Dark
11 Dragnake Metal
11 Yva Shepard
11 Urotho Kishimoto
11 H'zular Tiah
11 Leonal Regius
11 Trentzy Yui
11 Pichu Mcbob
11 Xioto Klas
11 Kiriee Tia
11 Nhav Drakewrath
11 Aruktai Himaa
11 Seltor Thoryn
11 Poponpa Bubunpa
11 Ahri Gen
11 Cherry Crush
11 Assumptio Mintcast
11 Yuuki Tatsuya
11 Cole Mcdoyle
11 Thug Slug
11 Krona Daius
11 Arcadia Raines
11 Heilani Blackthorn
11 Midna Twili
11 Bodark Dead
11 Arthas Las
11 Edvinn Blackthorne
11 Shuvjin Yahole
11 Agnette Battlecry
11 Leo Slayer
11 Vanilla Minazuki
11 Caitlyn Moore
11 Bal Drian
11 Elmanek Manduro
11 Freyja Hekmatyar
11 Aislinn Strong
11 Boandlgramma Bairon
11 Olinka Kinn
11 Kiana Highwind
11 Hades Persephone
11 Hober Mallow
11 Junon Gylbart
11 Justa Noobz
11 Lythia Reyes
11 Monotono Drachenherz
11 Nanoto Xamuxo
11 Obmoroz Frost
11 Razell Ghoall
11 Reaped Havok
11 Usagi Miranagi
11 Azumi Todoko
11 Big Boi
11 Dendra Thish
11 Fatcormaco Thefirst
11 Tahlia Valiri
11 Yowii Yorii
11 Z'jhimi Tenbi
11 Adonai Azaeru
11 Merotake Trinity
11 Sticky Finger
11 Sundances Moonlight
11 O'jur Fhei
11 Nightraine Myth
11 Yoshiyoku Ryuk
11 Gazo Tigermane
11 Sora Young
11 Badista Trend
12 Fray Greymane
12 Reuben Fireburg
12 Karadoc Devane
12 Troufignette Belanous
12 Sema Soulfire
12 Cyber Sheppie
12 Gregory Killa
12 Primula Solarius
14 Frl'wish Prime
14 Nhre Fayel