Final Fantasy XIV Database -

Eorzea Time
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TheDarkCavaliers [Goblin]
メンバー: 93 | Lodestone
Last Updated: 7 years 9 months
A place to hangout, chat and be friendly. Apply with us. If you are tired of FC invites and want someplace quiet to play this is it!!!!
ランク アイテム名
1 Goffarden Gafgarion
1 Deadwired Verath
1 Tele Nariel
2 Jiffy Jenkins
2 Laurell Cass
1 Doc Domino
1 Stone Cold
1 Zig Zag
1 Ash Burnitall
1 Selora Rayne
1 Rion Graves
1 Rylai Rabadon
1 Gyorgy Wystan
1 Zeroin Steiner
1 Asuna Yolko
9 Blood Orchid
1 Leia Rolando
2 Sensumi Tetsuya
2 Rui Nightmare
1 Dark End
1 Akkela Bashere
1 Lost Magic
1 Areud Asura
2 Jesolate Honeybadger
1 Ali Bongo
2 Chirimo Auditore
1 Kurokami Shinobi
1 Stelio Kantos
2 Jimbob Jones
1 Twogun Cowboy
1 Kron Dawg
1 Renoo Mocha
2 Kyntareal Tethras
2 Ar'gesh Kra'esh
1 Brevis Levis
2 Filiasilva Lucente
1 Balmung Bear
1 Heart Breaker
1 Agobart Asura
1 Cyber Bully
1 Vilo Van
9 Ravenous Neo
5 Etu Baggins
5 Sskarmar M'loo
0 Sunammi Feather
1 Arcesilaus Peakshome
1 Bunbun Cross
1 Melvis Rumpletoot
1 Pyha Storms
1 Sacred Sword
1 Urzok Theforgotten
1 Zephyrus Caelus
2 Seraphina Orsola
2 Seraphine Selim
2 Snoochy Dobra
2 Stella Maris
2 Thompson Ralto
2 Volthrynax Drak'thun
2 Yuki Onnua
2 Amber Burnitall
2 Cirmund Stark
1 Comfort Krazy
1 Eryn Young
2 Femme Fatalis
1 Fran Belhi
2 Hardaway Bone
2 Indra Mikoto
1 Jack Phrost
2 Jillian Yeager
2 Ka'sei Sobakawa
2 Kimmi No
2 Lean Stilts
2 Lillith D'everill
2 Miikawaadizi Bites
2 Mooshy Wooshy
1 Morgana H'estra
2 Pantheras Maximus
2 Ravenous Nero
2 Rino Hagane
2 Kyo Heart
2 Sefiroth Masamune
2 White Mamba
2 Rose White
2 Hiroko Hatsu
2 Theoballin Firelance
2 Percivalious Wyverlus
2 Tharon Duskwight
2 Acharnon Duskwight
2 Kurouna Kai
2 Fiddy Centimeters
2 Moriarty Vader
2 Agent Cooper
2 Hugo Falena