Final Fantasy XIV Database -

Eorzea Time
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The Nakama [Hyperion]
メンバー: 228 | Lodestone
Last Updated: 7 years 1 month
東の仲間 Home for Nakamas, old and new.
ランク アイテム名
3 Dame Guy
2 Alexia Narada
5 Kaishen Commodore
3 Banana Hammock
3 Crim Foxen
3 Midster Li'sune
2 Ryth Seele
1 Oshino Shinobu
3 Keleon Caderyn
2 Initial Eloi
1 Merlin Ofchaos
2 Aria Bel
3 Quinn Ryuu
4 Jumbo Taru
3 Kingg Pin
3 Berlioz Skelter
4 Akumo Valefor
2 Drake Valefor
3 Frette Gear
3 Dist Gruntle
2 Fodder Dodder
3 Zee Guy
3 Kaylee Frye
0 Magic Hammer
1 Onyxium Asurai
1 Wendell Stamps
3 Dahmey Gooey
3 Xander Hex
3 Onrit Wajdi
3 Aguilla Zook
1 Akumo Valefor
2 Alexia Narada
3 Duran Duran
3 Eeva Miyako
3 Elder Whitebeard
3 Failin Sin
3 Final Sabbath
3 Flik Beoulve
3 Garret Kedar
3 Genocide Gza
3 Goldeh Kai
2 Gubar Warfield
2 Gunshin Eternal
3 Hammerdin Maximus
3 Hamsum Third
3 Hennessey Kile
3 Hocus Pocuss
3 Honey Honeybelly
3 Honeybelly Honey
2 Alpharius Scias
2 Amethyst Element
2 Anokai Stonewall
3 Archain Whitefeather
3 Arfai Iscat
3 Arkay Pycell
3 Auggi Calyco
3 Aurora Blue
3 Azy Ehlehf
3 Beak Ahn
2 Beard Man
4 Bel Kin
3 Bel Thil
3 Big Sips
3 Bigjay Valefor
8 Blues Hawk
3 Bottle Cap
3 Brittle Silverleaf
3 Brutal Healz
3 Cee Note
3 Chicky Smash
3 Croydon Onocern
3 Cyn Dane
2 Cypher Element
4 Dee Link
2 Delise Mahogany
3 Denton Rockdiesel
3 Devante Weary
3 Doomtrout Deathfish
3 Drahcir Scix
2 Drake Valefor
3 Dura Irontide
3 Kohi Ane
3 Kvothe Killa
3 Kynzie Thil
3 Lady Chaedia
3 Lavender Light
3 Leaha Razoairo
2 Luna Silverstar
3 Lyra Elemmire
2 Mals Stonewall
3 Marciberus Drake
3 Melathys D'm
3 More Gooder
3 Nuckin Futtz
3 Ongtwo Dosface
3 Hue Nizzle
3 Hyla Anura
3 Ignignokt Panker
3 Iliette Grandeterre
3 Ilmgard Two
3 Jethro Clampett
3 Jin Kazama
3 Kail King
3 Kanopi Bigsips
2 Kirito Kuro
3 Knight Artorias
3 Koda Shihai
4 Net Gear
3 Rolling Thunder
3 Rynamus Smash
3 Sgt Nasty
8 Shinmen Takezoo
3 Shizza Aux
2 Sins Vorkag
3 Sir Bobean
3 Starbuk Thrace
3 Supremely Weary
3 Surreal Beoulve
3 Tabasco Valefor
3 Tal Baz
3 Talonis Prime
3 Tazz Valefor
3 Thecat Lova
3 Timothy Snow
2 Tre Rabanas
3 Vackien One
3 Vecan Rabanastre
3 Velger Liocene
3 Venir Hyral
3 Vivian Black
3 Vogon Poet
3 Volos Otokar
3 Yachiru Kusajishi
3 Yep Yep
1 Yop Yop
2 Yoro Valefore
3 Zih Ven
2 Zsig Eldieme
3 Zuloo Fox
3 Zyonn Alastor
4 Cisco Systems
4 Link Sys
1 Oran Kells
2 Otto Si
1 Papaya Paya
3 Paranor Ouraix
3 Present Orion
3 Raspberry Torte
3 Retake Shields
3 Ricky Tan
3 Ridou Santino
3 Rije Vale
3 Riker Wolfsbane
2 Rikis Smalls
3 Ringo Starr
3 Ritu Chokshi
3 Swoletron Force
3 Kenshinth Liongs
3 Jayjay Mcjankerson
2 Red Label
4 Triz Valefor
1 Ales Alrok
3 Popoto Poto
2 Ser Willydemon
3 Valgavv Lyzen
2 Omg Omg
3 Rike Ster
2 Shadow Edge
3 Alexia Ferrows
3 Mama Cita
2 Ekan Vir
3 Logan Kane
2 Rei Aluciont
3 Spun Dundee
2 Eriko Fukada
3 Mouse Hunter
3 Yopaya Paya
3 Yuri Ishikawa
2 Eva Shiro
2 Praesul N'mooshi
3 Avi Rahz
3 Cattie'brie Do'urden
4 Hot Dolphin
3 Azzure Leopold
3 Steven Kyle
5 Pocki Kuroneko
3 Lucius Cinna
3 Vio Cryonte
3 Rusty Wilburforce
5 Meili Ahlgren
3 Summoner Yunaa
3 Jo Mama
3 Delazar Kun
3 Kivlan Saldarun
3 Lal Mirch
3 Ben Dohver
3 Dante Blackdragon
3 Super Chunk
3 Ame Lotu
3 Raeon Clayworth
3 Godo Fwar
1 Amara Tuathal
3 Alduere Weary
2 Waya Austenaco
3 Tamara Beoulve
3 Kaiman Kjuman
2 Katsumoto Morito
3 Dee Eckz
2 Elisia Eternum
3 Aragorn Arathorn
2 Nel Mori
2 Icari Raidjinn
3 Yuri Ishikawa
2 Tsumugu Kinagase
2 Katsu Bytes
2 Super Chunky
2 Pia Morito
2 Raq Raq
2 Ayrael Valentine
2 Bumbacloud Og
2 Maximal Le'ton
2 Nazuna Bell
2 Vanilla Sun
4 Nakama Kama
4 Sweet Popoto
2 Logi Xi
2 Shitch Man
2 Red Labels