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Cymmina said:
Enko said:
Yep, I hear all of that, however, if you were desperate and ya started with something along the lines of

"Sorry to disturb you, I understand your sync requirements, however if you would considder it we ar syncing xx"

and a thank you afterwards if the answer is no. I wouldn't be offended in those circustances and have sometimes synced lower that i wanted given a civil request.

When was the last time YOU tried forming a party? I don't know how things work on your server, but when I'm trying to find people, a good chunk of my tells get no response. Yes, even to people who have their seeking flag up. Who wants to take the time to write a freaking novel just to invite someone?

I've seen several people who say {Level Sync} 55+, but if you ask them "are you looking for 55+ to keep your skills capped or because of the exp/hour in Sanction areas?", 9 our of 10 people will respond that it's for the exp/hour. There's still plenty of people who don't know about the East Ron{S} camp.

Lol I usually take the time to ask people nicely regardless of what their Seacom says, I almost never get a no either. Taking your time and being courteous gets you places.

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