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This is a final post on behalf of the LS, we will no longer respond to children in this thread so go ahead and bash us if you want, we will be the bigger man and carry ourselves more professionally.

To clarify different categories of RMT:
1) Chinese, IGE, etc that don't care if they disrupt the FFXI economy or hurt normal players as long as they make a quick buck
2) Account Buyers/EGS or as i call it NA/EU - People who've played the game for year to obtain the gear they have on their account then quitting to sell it to make some money for the TIME they've invested into FFXI and when we buy their account we are paying for their TIME not the account... This type of RMT has no impact on the regular running of FFXI except that someone you know may have become someone different, nor are these people out to hurt the FFXI community or economy.

As you guys can see the only person i've really been responding to in this thread is Korpg because he seems like hes the only know who knows the least bit of ***going on, people on different servers aren't on Asura they don't know wtfs going on, and then theres those talking out of their *** like Futchy and Tokuzi.

4/7 Paid $5000 to REOBTAIN NASA, they paid $2500 down the first time, so in total $7500, do you REALLY think if we aren't here anything is going to change? Its going to be the same ***with 24/7, every leader in 24/7 has taken the ls bank for themselves (Booyaka) and upgraded a relic from it, or sold it for themselves or sold it to reobtain/obtain NASA, atleast we do not keep a revolving bank so every week our members get out of the shell what they put into it, our leaders do not keep anything for themselves nor have as i said started ***with anyone, it was other people who started ***with us. So if we transfer/get banned/etc/etc things will go back as they were before 24/7 will dominate the scene and you all will ***, atleast with us those that aren't in 24/7 have a chance to obtain the gear from kings, and we have given 24/7 a good run for their money so far.

So the question is Asura what would you rather:

24/7 dominate the HNM scene with their $7500 bot or
Have us give them a good run for their money and make things more fair.

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