How Do You Sinister Reign On BLU?

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How do you Sinister Reign on BLU?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Warviper
Posts: 179
By Cerberus.Warviper 2015-10-18 15:20:45  
What team do you have to support you?

What spell are you getting the team to cast on you / the NM?

And self buffs prefight and then just the usual CDC spam i take it? or anything else to consider during fights?
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-10-18 16:25:22  
Normally when I'm on BLU, we do RDM, GEO, COR, PLD, BLU, and then insert whatever job here. If the last spot is another BLU, we cycle Mighty Guard together. If it's another GEO, one does Frailty/Fury and the other Vex/Attunement, and they take turns entrusting haste when Diffusion/UL are on cooldown. If it's another DD, not much really changes. A lot of the time we're too lazy to shout so we just 5man instead.

The PLD isn't there because BLU can't tank this, it's just there to absorb the status effects you don't want to deal with, such as amnesia, dispel, silence, all that good stuff. This becomes far less of an issue with 2 GEOs, as Vex/Attunement should block basically all status effects. Another great option is replacing the PLD with a RUN, but my RUN is the only well-geared one of our little group so we run with the PLD.

If your gear is good, the only accuracy "buff" you need is the RDM landing distract 2/3 to cap hit rate. COR does Chaos/Samurai for constant WSing. Runs are normally 5-7 minutes including buff time. Shorter end of the spectrum with jokes like Ingrid/Morimar involved, longer end with Mr. 12 Billion Shadows.

With all that being said, there is no one setup that will work for everybody universally. Our group is very well-geared and all have 1200 JPs or close on our main jobs, so you most likely won't see the same results right away.

As far as how to play this yourself, there actually is more to BLU than hitting a CDC macro. You are running low-man, so defensive buff maintenance is important. I normally keep Barrier Tusk, Saline Coat or Magic Barrier, and Cocoon active for all fights. If you really want to help your RDM out, set Winds of Promy or White Wind to assist with keeping everybody else up. Offensive buffs will include the obvious Nature's Meditation and Mighty Guard when cooldowns are up. You're also in charge of debuffing each new mob as they spawn with Tenebral Crush and Delta Thrust.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2015-10-18 16:35:53  
My strategy is generally Blu Pld Whm Cor Geo Brd. I tend to want at least Madrigalx2 and Hunters Roll to acc cap (takes around 1200-1250 depending on wave in my experience) but I don't have perfect gear nor the 1200 JP. Which leaves room for Marchx1 in case MG is dispeled, Samurais Roll for more consistent SCing, and Fury/Fraily or Vex/Attunement whichever you want.

If the Cor is good CDC -> Leaden Salute is going to destroy all the NMs weak to it. If the Cor is bad I just spam CDC to create as many Light SCs as possible for maximum DPS. It really comes down to support, Idris makes this event a joke, any good Leaden Salute Cor makes this event 2x faster, A Geo that knows how to MB is great, Whm that knows how to remove status debuffs, etc.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2087
By Sylph.Oraen 2015-10-18 16:40:16  
Yes thank you Failaras, I can't believe I forgot to mention COR's damage. Any COR that isn't a glorified buffbot is going to improve your clear time so very much. Leaden basically shits on every NM that isn't Teodor or Arciela.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-10-18 16:47:07  
Sylph.Oraen said: »
You're also in charge of debuffing each new mob as they spawn with Tenebral Crush and Delta Thrust.
Meh. Delta Thrust really shouldn't be having the mobs TP any less. The wave 2 mobs like spamming self-erase as well, so I don't usually bother TC'ing for those guys, and I'm lucky if the defense down even lands on wave 3 (though I don't have an m.acc swap for my Tenebral Crush nor do we bring RDM for Frazzle). If you're bringing both a GEO and a COR you should be ratio capped anyway.

Our setup varies depending on who wants to come, but it's usually PLD, BLU, BRD, WHM and the other 2 spots filled with some variation of DD, COR and GEO. If we bring a GEO I have them Frailty/Fury for everything and Vex/Attunement for Sajj'aka, but the option of /BLMing and stunning is there as well, but you would most likely need Indi-Focus.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3213
By Asura.Failaras 2015-10-18 17:06:40  
I found I couldn't reliably land Gouge and haven't tried Crush so I just use my points for other things like Acc or STP boosts.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-10-18 17:10:34  
Only time I ever actually find myself using TC anymore is at the start of Rosulatia with BA to knock down all the adds a bit.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gobbo
Posts: 300
By Sylph.Gobbo 2015-10-18 17:28:06  
RUN, GEO, SCH, BLU, whatever, whatever. GEO sets up Malaise/Focus, SCH sets up SC, everyone nukes and brings it down in a single volley.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kaht
Posts: 618
By Cerberus.Kaht 2015-10-18 17:48:33  
Warviper, bring me along and I'll show ya how I do it :P
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3550
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-10-18 19:55:15  
Sylph.Oraen said: »
Yes thank you Failaras, I can't believe I forgot to mention COR's damage. Any COR that isn't a glorified buffbot is going to improve your clear time so very much. Leaden basically shits on every NM that isn't Teodor or Arciela.

Leaden kinda sucks on Rosulatia too, but yeah point taken. It really wrecks Ingrid, August, and Sajaa... Sakaj... the big white dragon!
Posts: 250
By oyama 2015-10-18 20:21:31  
I've always been curious about Rogue's Roll, actually. I've been considering making a WHM, PLD, BLU, BRD, GEO, COR setup and going with RCB, Madx2+Dex Etude, Boost-Dex, Frailty, Geo-haste+haste1 from geo/rdm, and Sam's+Rogue's. 1200 JP BLU/WAR. I figure with Nat Med, Berserk, RCB, and Frailty you won't need Chaos Roll, and unsetting Flutter leaves more room for another Acc trait tier to allow normal tp set with the RCBs and should allow 2x mads plus all the dex boosts to be enough to cap acc. With +21% crit damage from adhemar head, thereoid greaves, and sinker drill, I gotta imagine the crit rate bonus from Rogue's Roll should crank up CDC's damage quite a bit, and you should still be easily capping delay reduction with massive store tp and therefore self-SCing at will. Haven't had a chance to try it, but any thoughts on this?
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3550
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2015-10-18 20:30:48  
I wouldn't rely on berserk to cap attack, why take the risk? Especially when your DD is basically coming from BLU and COR (who won't have the luxury of NatMed or Berserk).

If anything, I'd look more at replacing the other phantom roll. If you need acc for whatever reason, Hunter's. If not, Rogue's might be a reasonable alternative over Samurai. You're already swinging so fast that it wouldn't shock me if better crit rate in CdC outweighs the additional store tp. And ESPECIALLY if you ever get hit with amnesia, that store tp is not doing much for ya.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2015-10-18 20:33:17  
Almost everything in there is magical damage anyway. Who cares. Only thing a DD can die to in there is Into the Light.
By 2015-10-18 21:24:58
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2015-10-18 21:29:49  
Our best setup was

Mythic WHM
Idris GEO
Mythic BLU
Mythic BLU
COR (PLDs mule)

The PLD would do Hunters and Samurai's roll at start, myself and the other BLU would alternate who did MG. GEO did Vex + Fury and we would then proceed to stomp everything. Would clear in 5 ~ 5:30, which includes buff time, regardless of the mobs we got.

Normally that's not a common setup. So usually NQ Geo doing Vex + Attunement on most mobs and the 2nd DD being whatever we could find.
Posts: 250
By oyama 2015-10-18 23:39:45  
Well I wouldn't be relying on berserk to cap attack, I'd be relying on rcb, frailty, nat med and berserk together, and possibly dia2/3/4. I can see replacing sam's roll though, since with capped acc and delay, self sc spam is pretty much a given anyway.

I'm always geo or whm on SR runs so I was thinking of making runs on my blu and trying something different. I've always liked the idea of Rogue's for CDC, especially since the buffs it got and the new crit damage gear and tier 3 crit attack bonus with JTB2, so I was thinking of building a setup around making it feasible.
By 2015-10-19 02:21:26
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サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Francisco
Posts: 343
By Shiva.Francisco 2016-04-26 14:46:21  
Floppy, have you attempted to solo SR (with trusts) on BLU? Is it feasible?

I tried a couple of times for shits and giggles - the first with zero food and no Ionis, and actually managed to kill the first wave (Arciela and Ygnes), although it took forever and Trusts started dying at the end. I couldn't rebuff/resummon everything fast enough, and Teodor basically destroyed all the trusts in about a minute.

On the second attempt, I brought more accuracy (food, yay!) to the table, and was able to get the first wave (the tiger) down to ~25% fairly quickly, but he wiped out all the trusts besides Apururu with back-to-back AoEs, and after that it was a slow game of ping-pong with hate until one of us finally died.

Still seems very doable to get through the first wave solo, but based on Teodor, wave two seems like a big jump in damage output from the enemy. Maybe Teodor just sucks though.

I don't have much experience with SR outside of that. Everyone on Shiva's married to the PLD, GEO, BLM, BLM, SCH, WHM (or whatever it is) setup. The one time I did it with a group, I was regulated to healing duties because there were no WHMs!
By 2016-04-26 16:10:23
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kadas
Posts: 65
By Asura.Keaddo 2016-04-27 02:05:16  
If you want to use trusts for SR, you could wait for trust campaign so they won't die as much.

That alone without any change in strategy could get you through wave 2.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Isiolia
Posts: 455
By Asura.Isiolia 2016-04-27 08:17:47  
I haven't soloed it, but I've dual boxed it a fair bit.

Trust campaign is definitely a key thing, especially if the auto-revive part is in effect. Even with the higher HP/resistance, some will occasionally get one-shot, but it's usually limited to support ones positioned badly. Outside of it, the tanks may have issues too.
You do have time enough to dismiss/resummon between rounds though.

Generally though, round 1 isn't much of an indication, as it's very easy compared to the others.
By 2016-04-27 08:53:20
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Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-04-27 09:17:59  
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
That isn't a solo, and there is no reason not to team up at that point.

Well, I mean.

There's not wanting to deal with other people.

But that's why I've finally taken an open-ended break for a while after 13 years.

Just tired of dealing with it (Edit: In general! BTL folks who read this. You guys are still the best and I miss folks; just burned out on XI at this point.)

Though I miss being Rammie. He's cooler than I am.
By 2016-04-27 09:39:12
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Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-04-27 10:01:28  
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
I have obviously been there and I don't give out passes for it.

It wasn't until I started working with people again that I could solo things people make groups for.

I just mean if people are looking to do it for gear and don't want to/can't get folks, it's a reason to solo it. *shrug* whatever, not really a big deal.

Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Yes, yes he is. Wtf are you doing? We want Ramie.

Eh. It's kind of you to say so, but I think everyone else is probably tired of him, too.