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Shutupanddie said:
GUYS! Please listen. When your connections are being routed through out America they go through certain providers to do so. These are called "Backbones". They are the major pipe line for our data. Someone has to be that guy ya know? SOOOOOO. If there is a issue w/ a backbone router EVERY single ISP that uses that backbone will have issues. One leaky pipe causes a flood. Get it? I understand cox, clearwire are all having this issue, gotta understand. It's their backbone provider not them. Quit calling your ISP's wait this out.

**Add** This is why you see this problem spread out amongst so many different states and/or ISP's. But localized to a certain area. Call a plumber, your pipe broke. In the mean time while you wait this out, see all them empty soda cans on your desk? "Don't lie".. Good time to clean off your desk ;P I know some of you are in need of a serious shave. You got FFXI beard n ***. Take a break, relax it'll all be fine tomorrow.

Yeah, a break every now and then does good for the mind and body. I just wanted to know the source of the issue and what the solution is. Since it appears to be something out of our control and something the bigwigs have to take care of, I guess all we can do is take your word for it and wait it out.

Again, thank you for clarifying the issue to those of us who just want it to work but have no idea what to do lol.

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