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Liela said:
;; you anti- /p-macro people would hate me. I got scolded a couple times for not saying I was recasting shadows or whatnot, and died a couple times because apparently seeing a rng try to cast shadows in a party while getting the smack-down laid on her is not enough of a hint for a war or pld to provoke and/or cover. So now every time I use a weapon skill I have it macro'ed in to say so, every time I use barrage (since that's what used to get me killed all the time. I'm barraging, PLEASE get your trigger finger on your Provoke!!) and I say if I am using Warcry on my war, as well, in case any party members are getting close to having full tp and want to ws after I put warcry up. But I try not to have dull, bland, and boring /p- macros. Like my Sidewinder macro, it's something to the effect of 'Rawr! I sidewinder in your general direction, <t>! <tp>.' Not really amusing after the first time you see it, but at least not boring. And if I am getting swatted trying to put up shadows, my macro says something along the lines of 'Casting spell Utemswhatever, Somebody distract it!' As a kind of nice way to say seriously, I am not a tank, get it off me. But no, I don't let the entire party/alliance/world know every single time I put up Hasso, Third Eye, Velocity Shot, stuff like that, that doesn't have anything to do with anyone else but me.

When people make walls of text. D:

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