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I had originally intended my OP to be something that would spark a discussion on how Linkshells operate and the issue with all of the players linkshell hopping these days, it actually did start off that way...but it seems that instead of having a discussion on the topic, some posters came on here with only the intent to flame me, whether it was over being kicked from my shell or over a piece of equipment from a prior shell, it doesnt seem to matter what the flamer posts in here and what my response is...the end result seems to be reflecting on me and only me, so with this in my mind I will no longer respond in here.

Kade and Avenged welcome my Blist, and as far as anyone else I do apologize for not seeing what was truly going on, although I had every right to defend myself against false accusations and lie's about my Linkshell...for the sake of my shell I should have known better.

I want to personally apologize to my linkshell first and foremost becouse no matter what experience or knowledge I possess about this game, they shouldnt have to put up with this garbage. And lastly to all the posters who provided positive input or suggestions...Thank you very much.


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