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I'm both shocked and happy of this, considering SE would wallow in their own misery over the "memory limitations" of PS2 preventing them from adding more storage, but I guess they push the envelope or pull their head out of their *** finally. Either way I am extremely happy to hear so.

I do hope these quests will be actual full fledged quests where you have to go a bunch of places, get cutscenes, maybe kill a NM or two then come back and get it. Paying a shitload of gil for fancy items just doesn't cut it in my opinion.

Anyways, what I was hoping for is instead of one massive bag with "x" amount of slots, they should create a more sophisticated method of storage to make sorting easier. Maybe give us say... 10 boxes, to which we can label whatever we want and store what would be applicable. Name them after the jobs you play, the craft you're building up, etc. etc. Tell me what you think of my idea.

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