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Eorzea Time
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Kalix said:
Things I like
1. Solo/Duo NMs that recommend much more people
2. Salvage (we low man, 6-8 people. It's great ^.^)
3. Assault
5. Missions (especially if I can solo)
6. Questing
7. FoV for low level jobs (so much less stress)
8. Dynamis
9. Sky/Sea
10. Merit Parties

Things I dislike
1. People who whine about Astral Burns
2. Missions/Quests requiring 4+ people
3. Level Sync Exp party under lvl 57 with a 75 job
4. Dumping money on crafts
5. Pick up group for any event
6. Holiday Events (I have enough useless stuff, kthxbye)
7. HNM (Never done it, never will)
8. ZNM (Nice gear, but damn the farming!)
9. Price cutters (you know who you are)
10. People giving up on an event/NM because circumstances are not optimal.

Number 10 Dislike is my biggest pet peeve in the whole game. People have become so complacent and want things the easy way that they have lost their imagination and/or determination to just get the damn job done no matter what.

QQing over dying a few time? Cry me a river, exp can be gained so much easier now days it's rediculous. In a few more updates, they will give you exp just for logging on.

You'll give into HNM's one day!

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