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Kajidourden said:
First off: Give PUP some half-decent gear, dosent have to be hauby, but mayhaps something a bit better that what we do have (which mostly consists of armor with no bonuses, maybe something with even a +1 or +2 to str, or dex, not a whole lot but just a little something, or even more stuff to increase pets acc and such)

Secondly: Fix WHM auto's AI (Healing comes before Erase.....)?

Thirdly: Maybe its just me, and i know that if you engage the enemy and then deploy the auto it keeps its distance on the RNG frame, but its still in most AoE Ranges. How about instead of it auto-adjusting we get a JA called like "Pull Back" or something that takes the Auto out of most AoE ranges, not all, but say gobbie bomb, or Cursed Sphere. Stuff from HNMS and such would still hit em though.

Just a few things i thought up

PUP has decent gear. Here's my PUP:
Gaea (Odin Server)

What's the problem?

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