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I find myself going RDM/SCH whenever I possibly can.

Merit party is when it shines, reduced MP cost, Penury, increased Magic Skills, nothing /WHM or /BLM can compete with. Regen II is also a blast, with Composure I can get 90% of my HP cursed after using Convert.

/SCH is great for situations where Chainspell nukes come into play, helps squeeze out as many nukes as you can and you get the added bonus off increased Elemental Skill to make those nukes hit harder and have less resists. Combine this with a fully charged Sublimation prior to CS'ing, and you got yourself a good 2-3 nukes extra.

There's no debate about how great /SCH is when compared to /WHM or /BLM. You'll see yourself using /SCH more often then anything else.

But with any job and subjob combination, there will always be situations where /WHM and /BLM are simply needed to get the job done, like /BLM for Dynamis or /WHM for... anything that needs... Curaga... *Can't think of anything we need /WHM for*

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