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Eorzea Time
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Wooooodum said:
It was fine in Assault and fine in Limbus. Haven't tried anything else other than miscellaneous monsters asides those two events. Both occasions I was sleeping on Red Mage, though, with Sleep 2.

I second this, as main rdm ive noticed No problems sleeping things. In limbus even, thats where we first tested, both me and my second hand rdm in the ls had np sleeping it. I did hear that one of our new cors said he had problems but I think thats cause his acc on shots stink.

Another rdm in the ls said he noticed but when tested for me, he was fine. Corse he was lacking duelist hat and some other enfeeb gear myself and my second hand rdm have but otherwise it seems fine for us.

Also tested with my blm and all my enfeeb gear, saw no difference with sleep times. *shrugs* maybe you all got unlucky

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