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Satchel is so broken. It allows me to take so much with me and free so much inventory for meds and stuff like that in salvage. This thing is awesome and way overdue. I knew I'd love it but after actually being able to get it today, I realized just how much I was starting to not enjoy this game because of space issues. For now, that's all behind me.

They still need to do the following:

Furnishings in Layout don't take up an inventory space. I'm sure there's room for this because there's no TEMP items in Mog House. So, the memory they use for the additional space for Temp Items in Inventory could be used for this in Mog Safe. However, I think what they should do is have a Furnishings section that only furnishings can go in (whether they are in Layout or not).

Shell Basket. The Shell basket is basically a basket for all shells, pearls and sacks. It doesn't have to be big. I was thinking a max of 10 different pearls/shells with additional spaces for creating link pearls with sacks and shells.

Storage for AF weapons. For many of us that don't want to throw these away this is up to +19 inventory slots.

Allow Brygid to store Subligar equipment such as Nimbus or Cerise Doublet. We'd have to go all the way to Bastok to get to her, but it would be worth it to free up these slots.

If SE did these things, they could provide a very long term, possibly permanent solution, to the Inventory problems.

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