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Ktjrn said:
yahoo could be misinterpreting this for all we know

Ya think? You should see some of the other garbage they publish. It's sad some of the ***that gets green-lighted. I bet they could convince millions that the boogyman and bigfoot live under their bed and will come out in your sleep to eat you unless you invest in their shares.

This reminds me of Eugine Merman's joke about how he hates it when people pull a *** statistic out of their *** to support their arguement no matter how untrue and unrealistic it is.

"Well I read that 90% of high school students don't know where Texas is on a map!"

So he'd just do the same thing but much more ridiculous to piss em off.

"Oh yeah? Well I read that 100% of Americans are Asian!"

"But you're not Asain..."

"I read I was!"

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