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Nice sigs Sidi ^^v Simple yet so amazing!
Sidi said:

I personaly use Paintshop Pro 8... (yeah old, I know), because I bought it ages ago, and not gonna illegally dl PS like most of my fellow-sigmaker-friends, but I do have gimp as well... better for editing photos than psp8, but I'm just not used to working in it yet, so still use PSP8 for sigs, when I get the time (every single one takes hours and hours of work, because I never can decide... so usually during the 8 hour cartrip to Pittsburgh and stuff XD, since otherwise playing game or doing work :P)

I actually HAD to buy Photoshop back when I attended the Art Institute of Colorado. Expensive *** program and while I would have preferred to d/l it, I was forced to either pay out of pocket or face failing my classes (just a little tip to anyone planning on attending a school of that sorts). So I bought it... and my wallet fell to its knees and cried that day :/

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