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Ragnell said:
Since the subject of maat is up

So far my Elemental is capped and My Enfeebling is 4 levels away from cap

This will be my gear going in

Anything here need to change?

Yes you go in like that u will fail. Trust me I was 1/5 rdm maat and he sucks balls! My suggestion, dont worry too much on elemental damage, ur damage will be fine as long as u dont nuke under 100 lol. Focus on an Enfeebling set. This is because sleep is affected by enfeeb, so is gravity and bind which you use alot more often and frequent than nuking. Whenever I got screwed it was because my sleep didnt stick, or my bind wore or grav was resisted, it was always an enfeeb issue.
Get urself some yag drinks, some enfeeb gear if u can (spider torque or enfeeb torque) and you should have a somewhat easier time.

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