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Korpg said:
Darkvision said:
ok i dont know how you all missed this, to me everyone involved in this incident is in the wrong.

what poped out to me when your talking about monopolising an area, then you go on about time-sharing the zone, so both parties are in the wrong, your both trying to monopolise the zone so party A is in the zone between x-x time and party B is there between y-y time.

tbh its happened, suck it up and move on, there are errors on both sided, yes the accused and her husband made so meny contradictions its hard to see truth. i know people that do this on the server i am on and they have done this in about 8 or 9 zones sucessfully, best exp was 63k in 1 burn.

altho i would not do this myself, i dont disagree with it.and being a SMN75 myself with capped SMN magic skill i hate any sort of SMN burn in in any form.

but back to my origonal point Party A and Party B orginizing a time share on a zone exping all day, thus interfearing with the inocent people trying solo for exp, to me this is all equally as bad as gill sellers, now before you open your big mouth(typing your anger out on the keyboard) coz i made reference to gil sellers. I AM NOT IN ANYWAY calling anyone gil sellers. i am just saying that "time-sharing" a zone between 2 PTs is putting everyone in those 2 PTs in the wrong. and YES i feel that 2 PTs orginising to share one zone between them interfearing with inocent people is like RMT's stealling your mobs to get drops on high value money making items.

as far as people from other servers comenting on the subject, well um... WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU this is a public forum. people are entitled to thier say, and Korpg stepping in pointing out RELEVENT information in from comments and other people also, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY make them bias to one side of the story. i myself dont give a rats *** about this. but Guenhwyvar just just take the "oh my friends are getting bitched out and cand defend thierselves let me be the knight and shining armour" approach actually makes you look like an *** and not the accused person and huband.

telling people to basically STFU coz your not on the same server as them, WELL your telling yourself to STFU too cos your not on the same server as them, facts are facts, the accused and husband contradicted them selves too much for anyone to believe them. the main thing that actually {End Key}s the argument is that the LS told the accused character (who cares who is in control) not to do anything., to be honest i think that the real life person to the character is not the person that you chould be pointing the finger at,

Darkvision points fingers to the husband.

it actually sounds like a devious guyish thing to actually do.

to be honest DONT expect a reply from me, i have said my 2 cents and will not revisit this topic. you can slag me off say waht you want and point out ***from what i have said, coz I DONT CARE and i dont give a rats *** about a stoopid F$%£ing game and drama. i am happy with what i do in game and the people i socialise with in game :P /logoff

I agree with you about the monopolizing zone point.

However, since nobody really solo's in the tunnel (too many aggro issues from the mobs used to AF burn with, and if you didn't get any aggro issues, you are too high to solo there anyway), I don't see a problem with people AF burning there.

The point about the timeshare is to keep conflict from starting in the first place. If 2 parties agree to "share" a zone during X:00 to Y:00, then why shouldn't they? The problem arose because 1 party did not keep to their promise, hence this thread.

Last point though in this reply:

as far as people from other servers comenting on the subject, well um... WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU this is a public forum. people are entitled to thier say, and Korpg stepping in pointing out RELEVENT information in from comments and other people also, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY make them bias to one side of the story.

Holy ***, I got a supporter now.

I wonder, if this sense of pride in myself and my supporter normal.

What say you Wooooody and Blazza?

woot gogo Korpg!!!!

Ok.....SMN is legal so people saying its bad. GTFO
The people trying to SMN burn but having a hard time vs the evil ***!! Sorry to hear
The evil ***. GTFO

back to you Korpg

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