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It certainly deserves repeating:

Jaerik said:
The irony of people arguing that Windower is cheating on a message board never ceases to amuse me.

You guys do know we're the same people, right? The core technology behind Windower, and the core technology behind, were both written by Cliff, one of our site admins. Hell, even I was around during most of the original development of Windower. (Leave it to a samurai to dream up seeing group members' TP.) The maintenance of the Windower code base has since been taken over by another development group with a slightly different ideology, but the point is the same.

Did you know that at one point, the extended macro system that Windower has now was actually a fully-featured reactive scripting system? You could automate your entire character. You could conceivably teach it how to pull, how to buff and heal your group when they needed it, how to fight mobs, even how to automatically do missions and quests, and then give those scripts to other people. I still have a copy of the prototype -- it works quite well.

Did you know that if we wanted to, we could so dramatically improve the Crafting section on that it could automatically compute the exact best personalized money-making synth for you at any moment, based off over a dozen existing market figures, day/crystal combinations, and your players' synth skills? We have the data -- it wouldn't be hard to implement.

But the scripting system for Windower was never released, and you will never see that kind of crafting functionality on

Why not?

As per my previous post in this thread, because Terms of Service agreements are not legally binding documents, the only "rules" in FF: Online are what any given GM tells any given person on any given day. Everything else is just guidelines. But what will make SE start banning people indiscriminately is if a particular tool starts to give enough of an unfair advantage that they begin to lose subscribers over it. As such, it is our duty as 3rd party developers to make sure our tools never cross that line.

But to sit on an message board and accuse Windower users of "cheating," due to some non-existent ethical violation, is quite simply laughable.


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