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Hitetsu said:
Luignata said:
Hitetsu said:

Luignata said:
FFXIAH is a website, it's not downloaded, it does not alter our perception or ability to play the game. It does not change the code in FFXI or alter the game in any shape or form. Therefor it cannot be considered a 3rd party program.

Please, show me where Windower changes the code behind FFXI, as opposed to simply placing pretty numbers everywhere.

The numbers you see on the screen are windower altering the FFXI code, or injecting it’s own code, both of which are illegal.

Actually, those numbers do not alter FFXI's code. Altering code would in fact, change something, opposed to simply displaying something that anyone COULD do. That's like saying "All those people that use stopwatches to time things cheat".

Which is why I used the word "Inject". Injecting your own code into FFXI is illegal.

website is a function which is apart of a program. To view website, website needs to be downloaded. What you see therein, alters the way you play the game. It alters your Auction House perception. Everything you said is false.

Anything not SE is 3rd party in relationship to SE

But still, I enjoyed it. I think the greater point is that we the players are shaping how the game is made and played, simply by our choices on how we cheat. Power to the people

I will repeat what I said. Websites are designed around HTML. When you view this website, you download HTML. You do not downloading the 3rd party program that searches FFXI’s AH. That is kept secret by the admins of this site. We do not have access to the program. If SE banned based on your logic, everyone in the game, and I mean every single person, would be banned for doing something “3rd party”, which is basically anything but FFXI.

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