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No, I'm saying that it does not in any way affect you in a negative way.

What an ignorant statement. Of course it affects me, it’s like saying the Salvage dupe didn’t affect me. Prices went through the roof with Wootz Ingots because everyone was getting all these Salvage pieces, which makes it harder for me to get the Wootz Ingots cause they’re so pricey. If you want another example, then when a RDM solo’s a sky pop item, then the price of that item drops because there’s 1 more in the game. Subsequently the items that you from the god will drop too. That’s 10,000 gil Windower cost me. That is indeed a negative effect.

Then again... Maybe you haven't been in a situation where someone using Windower saved you because you avoid all end-game events aside from Dynamis

I’ve done Sky, Salvage, Dynamis, Einharjar, HNM, ZNM, and probably a couple more that haven’t come to mind. No Sea, as I have not yet completed CoP and am unable to access many of the zones needed to do Limbus or Jailers. So far I’ve grown bored of everything I’ve done. Dynamis is the only thing that actually interests me, hence why I currently only do Dynamis.

refuse to switch out eq for casting various spells.

Sorry, I don’t have Windower. I don’t have the ability to do all my gear swaps with 1 macro, so I deal with what I got currently equipped. I’m a better person then you because of it.

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