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As for the sky pops, an item is worth whatever someone will pay for it and the prices of items very rarely are reduced beyond their accepted values unless it's a massive inflation or deflation of the economy. Byakko's Haidate for example are a pretty constant 5 mil in most Linkshells. Just because a Red Mage solos the pop items for one set does NOT mean they are going to be dropping in price and costing you gil.

Have you watched every single sale of every pop item that was solo’d by a RDM? (Or any player regardless of job that had Windower make an impact on them getting the item) How do you know that a RDM with windower solo’d it, put it in for 300k, someone legit solos it, see’s the item in the windower’s bazaar and tries to sell it for 300k, but it doesn’t sell so he puts it in for 290k? We all know it happens, and it could have been avoided if someone didn’t bother using the illegal windower to help them farm a pop item that they could not have potentially gotten without Windower.

Less clutter in chat is an advantage? Never knew...

Ooh, don't forget about those people that use the silence plugin to eliminate the equipment changed text in the chat log. That's a HUGE advantage right there.

When you’re trying to count your shadows like a legit person, or the “Gravity Effect wore off” message scrolled by so fast that you missed it, yes, it’s an advantage, because by the off chance that you missed it, Windower prevents that and could save you in the end. Every little thing Windower does can help you in game and give you an unfair advantage.

Quote: are on here correct? You are using this site correct? Do you use killingifrit? Maybe, do you use ffxiclopedia? Most likely. Do you use allakhazam? probaby. Ok then you are infact a cheater, therefore, you are better than no one here. ZOMG liek dudz i haz uber 1337 skillz coz me no cheatz on da gamez! WRONG! 1) its a game 2) you cheat everytime you lookup info regarding the game =) have a nice day.

That’s not the topic on hand, we're discussing Windower, (It's in the thread title if you have trouble finding it) thanks for trying though. Two wrongs don't make a right. You have a nice day yourself.

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