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Eorzea Time
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>.> police offer gonna arrest me for playing game that isn't mine now? i doubt that somehow

if you seriously follow every single rule in the book, your a sheep lol

can u honestly tell me u never watched a dvd that wasn't yours? or played a game with friends u didn't own?

haven't ever drunk underage?

even the best of us break rules, even if we have no idea we are breaking them.

and a lot of rules are too stupid not to break.

And every single one of them is wrong. If you get caught by law enforcement, you will have nowhere to turn. You were wrong, plain and simple. Quit trying to justify reasons to break rules to make yourself feel better.

Nowhere in that statement did i say windower gave any sort of advantage. =) as far as your statement about the speeding ticket, yea if you go 5 miles over then you are just as bad as someone who goes 15 miles over (according to your logic anyway). ^^

The law does not see it that way. You know how I know this? Because the amount of money you pay on your ticket is dependant upon how fast you were speeding. Therefor, you’re wrong, 15 miles over is worse then 5 miles over.

over 90% of this game uses windower, over 99% of this game uses outside sources of info for the game, therefore, maybe less than 1% of the people playing this game are playing legit. You are by no means one of them so go ahead and destroy that list of yours because are better than no one. Go play WoW and gtfo ^^ kthxbye

I respect that 1%, and acknowledge they’re better then me. However, I’m better then you cause I don’t use Windower. I’ll keep my list right where it’s at thanks, hell I’ll even move you closer to the top of the list of “People I’m better then”. I’m glad to see you’re leaving, you have yourself a wonderful weekend. (I’m off work tomorrow so it’s a weekend for me)

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