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I didn't address that because i dont care if you think it or not. Im not here to change your mind, im here to make you look like a retard, which you do nicely on your own.

1. you say i changed my name over and over, which was only once and because some *** took my name futchy on asura as there mule so i couldn't. Also about the going on different characters, i only have 2 active ones at once, my one with all my crafting chars on it. And the other is the one im playing at the moment, i played deemos, then i got bored and started futchy back up. When i get bored there, ill activate my taru rdm solo char.

2. if ive scammed so many people like you claim, who are they and what did i do? If your gonna say linkshell banks or w/e from the past, just look on KI, its already been debunked by everyone in my linkshell. Everyone already knows that we didn't have a bank. So you might wanna do your detective work on this one buddy. Before u make urself look like a moron and what not^^

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