Any Good Servers

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any good servers
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2010-06-07 12:01:48  
Odin is Serious *** Business, just go to the Server Dedicated forum and look at the flood of activity, sums Odin up better than any words.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kyofooyo
Posts: 19
By Asura.Kyofooyo 2010-06-07 12:03:28  
Asura.Dameshi said:
Siren.Enternius said:
As long as you avoid Asura (And most likely Siren too), I'd imagine all servers would have a good balance of people.
Wth is with the Asura hate? I personally enjoy Asura. The only server I'd suggest avoiding is Carbuncle. I hated it there.

well, i guess Asura wasn't bad until you got into the HNM community. it's cut throat, so much that when i switched servers, i was confused as to why these people were so laid back.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: glaciont
Posts: 750
By Lakshmi.Glaciont 2010-06-07 12:03:53  
Bismarck.Xzeikx said:
Whale people can kick your *** >.>!

Whale people < Oil tanker :D
サーバ: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-06-07 12:05:35  
Kujata is a good server ... ohh wait they took it away from us ;_;
Forum Moderator
Bug Hunter
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: dameshi
Posts: 29745
By Asura.Dameshi 2010-06-07 12:06:45  
Asura.Kyofooyo said:
Asura.Dameshi said:
Siren.Enternius said:
As long as you avoid Asura (And most likely Siren too), I'd imagine all servers would have a good balance of people.
Wth is with the Asura hate? I personally enjoy Asura. The only server I'd suggest avoiding is Carbuncle. I hated it there.

well, i guess Asura wasn't bad until you got into the HNM community. it's cut throat, so much that when i switched servers, i was confused as to why these people were so laid back.
Ah, I don't do any of those atm :P Carbuncle was so dead, finding an exp party took hours, and that was even building my own.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1016
By Siren.Itachi 2010-06-07 12:11:12  
Siren is more populated by JP than NA or EU, if you don't have a good group of friends it might be hard for a non japanese speaking player to get anything done since the JP on our server still think of non JP players as noob,which I really don't blame em, and won't want to mix it up.
Posts: 139
By tingletaru 2010-06-07 13:10:36  
Fenrir.Luarania said:
tingletaru said:
Bf and I moved to Fenrir 3 months ago from Shiva, and we hate it here lol. Moving back to Shiva soon to be with our lovely friends there once more :)
=( sorry to hear that? Anything in particular that made it bad?

I'm trying to be civil about it... We've had no problems with anyone personally, but in general we meet plenty of rude and/or incompetent people. It's like an entire WoW server transferred over to Fenrir Server :P We've found several good players amongst them all, but they seem to be rare here. Shiva has its fair share of idiots, but the ratio (of good players) is much more favorable there than on Fenrir hehe.

Also, to what people were saying about Carbuncle... I agree! Run away! That was my very first server >.< Ran away from Carbuncle to Shiva as quickly as possible lol.

If you really are moving with a solid set of 7 or 8 friends though, you'll be set on any server you do end up moving to. Having good friends to play with is more important than anything, in my opinion :)
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Whknight
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-07 13:20:34  
tingletaru said:
We've had no problems with anyone personally, but in general we meet plenty of rude and/or incompetent people. It's like an entire WoW server transferred over to Fenrir Server :P We've found several good players amongst them all, but they seem to be rare here.
I'll agree with you there, we do have a pretty good share of stupid people (lolfeiwong) To bad you didn't get into TAN probably would have had a heck of a time =(
Posts: 139
By tingletaru 2010-06-07 13:24:50  
Fenrir.Luarania said:
tingletaru said:
We've had no problems with anyone personally, but in general we meet plenty of rude and/or incompetent people. It's like an entire WoW server transferred over to Fenrir Server :P We've found several good players amongst them all, but they seem to be rare here.
I'll agree with you there, we do have a pretty good share of stupid people (lolfeiwong) To bad you didn't get into TAN probably would have had a heck of a time =(

:O Never heard of it 'til now! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! D: lol

We have friends and a good LS to return to on Shiva anyway. We just hopped over to hang out with a few friends on Fenrir for a while... hopefully they're coming back to Shiva with us XD You should come too! :P
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Whknight
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-07 13:30:53  
Can't do that, I'm a proud Fenririan and someone has to lead TAN. We got plans to do some fun stuff in the coming months~
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Sagi
Posts: 16303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2010-06-07 13:31:37  
I'm sorry but why the hell do people even ask the question anymore. Every week or so this same thread appears and every time people just argue and big up there own server, why bother asking the question as all you are going to get is a dozen different answers (save for the one or two pointless servers that any half informed FFXI player should already know about).
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Whknight
By Fenrir.Luarania 2010-06-07 13:37:09  
Ramuh.Sagittario said:
I'm sorry but why the hell do people even ask the question anymore. Every week or so this same thread appears and every time people just argue and big up there own server, why bother asking the question as all you are going to get is a dozen different answers (save for the one or two pointless servers that any half informed FFXI player should already know about).
Dunno but I like to answer people's questions and I also enjoy hearing about different servers~
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 80
By Hades.Ethereal 2010-06-07 13:37:46  
Don't come to Cerberus. Much of the people here are still back in the stone age, fighting for dyna zones. A lot of drama goes on in WG. Overall, its just a horrible server and i wish SE never threw hades in with that one.

p.s. i'm not saying all the peeps on cerb are bad. Theres just a huge majority of ***...
Posts: 12
By Dreaudant 2010-06-07 17:19:21  
Gilgamesh.Astrida said:
Dreaudant said:
astrida :D lol what lvls yur drk now anyway
its 66 lol, ive been busy past few days and havent leveled, im skilling up now since my GS and scythe arent capped >:D

lol my mnks like 67 now id be 70+ if my xbox wasnt being a turd lol

i might enjoy odin if they really know hwo to get to business, but i dislike people who justare stupid for no reason, players that have awesome possum gear but lack the skills to make use of it i can point out about 20 people on my server right now who are like that