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サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 07:19:45  
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
expect to give people sneak and invisible because if they die because you refused to, it's your fault. It's called Teamwork.
This is why we can't have nice things. It's also why that idiot expected sneak/invis, because other idiots baby him. That is NOT teamwork, teamwork is working together while pulling your OWN weight. Getting S/I from someone else is them pulling your weight. This is the never ending cycle of ***. Why am I still surprised when I see this ***?
who gives a ***that you spend 50mp total to sneak and invis one damn person?

seriously, do you people just like to *** and *** about "This *** is making me spend MP WHICH CAN BE RECOVERED IN 2 MINUTES instead of spending thousands of gil on items WHICH IS HARDER TO MAKE IN THIS GAME"

just sneak and invis their *** and get on with your life already. bitching about it will get you nowhere. If the person is rich and buys them, then let him. if someone is poor and wants to get to the camp safely, it's your job as a WHM to sneak and invis him.

サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-06-08 07:29:37  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
expect to give people sneak and invisible because if they die because you refused to, it's your fault. It's called Teamwork.
This is why we can't have nice things. It's also why that idiot expected sneak/invis, because other idiots baby him. That is NOT teamwork, teamwork is working together while pulling your OWN weight. Getting S/I from someone else is them pulling your weight. This is the never ending cycle of ***. Why am I still surprised when I see this ***?
who gives a ***that you spend 50mp total to sneak and invis one damn person?

seriously, do you people just like to *** and *** about "This *** is making me spend MP WHICH CAN BE RECOVERED IN 2 MINUTES instead of spending thousands of gil on items WHICH IS HARDER TO MAKE IN THIS GAME"

just sneak and invis their *** and get on with your life already. bitching about it will get you nowhere. If the person is rich and buys them, then let him. if someone is poor and wants to get to the camp safely, it's your job as a WHM to sneak and invis him.

you're missing the point. if you're doing a mission, and the leader of the group says to have certain meds while you are in whitegate, you either get them or leave the group right then if that's a problem.

this dude A. ignored the group leader(flion) who told him ahead of time to get meds B. waited until halfway through the mission to reveal that he'd ignored him. that's a big "*** you" any way you slice it. if you respond to a "*** you" like that by being that guy's personal doormat and snk/invising him, you're gonna lose the respect of the other people in the group.

If you can't trust that guy to buy snk/invis tools when you ask him to, there's no way in hell you can trust him to follow a strategy that you outline once you make it to the battlefield. cut your losses and kick him then and there, he'll be even more trouble in the long run.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2010-06-08 07:33:01  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Having my only 75 as WHM, i can say this.

You're the healer of the group. You're only use is to heal, buff, and Haste.

If you're going to your EXP camp, expect to give people sneak and invisible because if they die because you refused to, it's your fault. Plus if the party gets MPK'd, it'll also be your fault.

That's how things are in this game. Scapegoating the healer. Either deal with it or quit being a healer. Besides, you're saving money by asking the healer for sneak and invisible for things such as armor so they don't OHKO in one hit and the mob coming right towards you and having you die and go -900exp.

It's called Teamwork.

I'm on a healer job 99% of the time (the 1% I'm busy bashing my face against a wall as a DD job someplace).

As a WHM, your job description does not come with the Doormat tag, your job is to buff and heal *in battle*. If they died because I refused to sneak and invis them, then it's their own silly fault for not being prepared.
Asking a WHM to babysit you with sneak and invis is akin to being on NIN and making your party pay for your shihei you use.
If they can't afford sneak and invis items, then they should be farming, not running to exp, and if their armor suffers because they needed to buy snk and invis? Then that there is even more reason that they should farm.

You say that 'Scapegoating the healer' is how things go? I think not. That's just lazy players looking for someone to push their shortcomings onto. You don't turn up to a party naked, and ask your party members to clothe you, give you weapons and food. You show up to exp and events prepared, ready and at your full potential. If people want to slack off, they should do it solo, and not waste others' time because they didn't feel like getting off their ***.

There's a huge difference between tossing a snk/invis for the top floor of mamools where there's no point popping a powder (Though most DD I've come across will do so anyway as to not be a burden), and babysitting someone through a high aggro zone because they're too damn lazy.

Quick edit:
Linking this from the front page, pretty much sums up things >< haha
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Fyyvoaa
Posts: 18930
By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2010-06-08 07:39:29  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
expect to give people sneak and invisible because if they die because you refused to, it's your fault. It's called Teamwork.
This is why we can't have nice things. It's also why that idiot expected sneak/invis, because other idiots baby him. That is NOT teamwork, teamwork is working together while pulling your OWN weight. Getting S/I from someone else is them pulling your weight. This is the never ending cycle of ***. Why am I still surprised when I see this ***?
who gives a ***that you spend 50mp total to sneak and invis one damn person?

seriously, do you people just like to *** and *** about "This *** is making me spend MP WHICH CAN BE RECOVERED IN 2 MINUTES instead of spending thousands of gil on items WHICH IS HARDER TO MAKE IN THIS GAME"

just sneak and invis their *** and get on with your life already. bitching about it will get you nowhere. If the person is rich and buys them, then let him. if someone is poor and wants to get to the camp safely, it's your job as a WHM to sneak and invis him.

If the leader says to get the items because they are going into a dangerous zone, listen to them, get the items or *** off and farm to get the gil to get the items.

They aren't expensive.

Hell, i've bought a stack of each for someone just because they didn't have any and were poor, they paid me back in time, but ... S/I items > Magic always.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 07:43:43  
Israfel-- by "Scapegoating the healer" i meant blaming the healer when it's clearly not the healer's fault. I know there's a limit to what i can do as a healer but others who haven't ever actually touched a healer's job think otherwise. I mean 50MP is seriously nothing once you get sneak and invisible.

I know you don't want to babysit these DDs but that's part of the hastle of being a healer. There will be that one person who wants to save gil and ask the mage for sneak and invisible. People just need some babysitting, that's part of the day's work as a WHM. Throwing a cure here, hasting there, throwing a Raise III on the DRK that decided to get shitload of agro mid-battle, we're just babysitting these silly DDs.

and Sevourn -- Reading the first post, i didn't see him mention anything about telling others to get meds. Also, him making a huge deal about it does make him an elitist, especially if he's barking out orders to other people to do what he wants. Let the *** learn from his mistakes, and blacklist him. Don't come in here bawing because someone didn't listen to you.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 07:46:24  
Leviathan.Catnipthief said:
If the leader says to get the items because they are going into a dangerous zone, listen to them, get the items or *** off and farm to get the gil to get the items. They aren't expensive. Hell, i've bought a stack of each for someone just because they didn't have any and were poor, they paid me back in time, but ... S/I items > Magic always.
Fyyvoa - not everyone has 50mil like you do =P
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Zephin
Posts: 742
By Carbuncle.Axle 2010-06-08 07:46:31  
I tend to stay away from helping ppl if they don't understand the basics of having there own s/i, even /dnc.

them "Let's do RANK 5?!?"
me "Do you have a way to s/i?"
them "no"
me "i'm busy"

Taught my wife the game and it came in handing even in qufim lvls.

Rule #1 S/I always on you.

Just makes sense.

Not 1337, imagine if your whole pt didn't have?
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-08 07:46:42  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
expect to give people sneak and invisible because if they die because you refused to, it's your fault. It's called Teamwork.
This is why we can't have nice things. It's also why that idiot expected sneak/invis, because other idiots baby him. That is NOT teamwork, teamwork is working together while pulling your OWN weight. Getting S/I from someone else is them pulling your weight. This is the never ending cycle of ***. Why am I still surprised when I see this ***?
who gives a ***that you spend 50mp total to sneak and invis one damn person?

seriously, do you people just like to *** and *** about "This *** is making me spend MP WHICH CAN BE RECOVERED IN 2 MINUTES instead of spending thousands of gil on items WHICH IS HARDER TO MAKE IN THIS GAME"

just sneak and invis their *** and get on with your life already. bitching about it will get you nowhere. If the person is rich and buys them, then let him. if someone is poor and wants to get to the camp safely, it's your job as a WHM to sneak and invis him.

Some mobs magic aggro though, and if you dont have the items you're *** D:
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2010-06-08 07:47:56  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:

I know you don't want to babysit these DDs but that's part of the hastle of being a healer. There will be that one person who wants to save gil and ask the mage for sneak and invisible. People just need some babysitting, that's part of the day's work as a WHM. Throwing a cure here, hasting there, throwing a Raise III on the DRK that decided to get shitload of agro mid-battle, we're just babysitting these silly DDs.

Raising, curing, hasting, -na spells yes! that's part of our job.

Dragging their sorry *** through a high aggro zone which can be a pain in the *** to get one person through, let alone 2 people on 1 person sneaking and invising is not doing our job. It's bailing out some *** who thinks he doesn't have to pull his weight.
If money is sooo tight that he cannot afford to keep a stack or oils and powders on him, then he should be farming.
People do not need babysitting. It's that kind of mentality that makes me dread pickups because I know there's 70% of the time some fool who thinks that kind of behaviour will slide. I will not expect my hand to be held by anyone, and they should not expect it from me either.

Quick edit: Stack of oils and powders can usually be obtained for about 15k~ for the pair on my server.

Stack of moat carp sells for 5k on sandy AH, takes minutes to fish up, 3 stacks of moat carp is 15k.
If that's too much work then this is the wrong game for them to be playing.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-08 07:48:28  
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Some mobs magic aggro though, and if you dont have the items you're *** D:

Climbing that mountain using magic should be something every SMN knowns IMO

Astral burns have spoiled them! They need to kite bombs for 10-15 minutes each until they explode!
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Fyyvoaa
Posts: 18930
By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2010-06-08 07:49:58  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Leviathan.Catnipthief said:
If the leader says to get the items because they are going into a dangerous zone, listen to them, get the items or *** off and farm to get the gil to get the items. They aren't expensive. Hell, i've bought a stack of each for someone just because they didn't have any and were poor, they paid me back in time, but ... S/I items > Magic always.
Fyyvoa - not everyone has 50mil like you do =P

I wish -_-

They aren't really expensive though really, maybe ... 10-15k at the most for a stack of both?

I normally roll on about 100k at most lol, far from 50m
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 07:52:08  
Caitsith.Surreal said:
Some mobs magic aggro though, and if you dont have the items you're *** D:
With skill, you can avoid magic agro =X i've learned that from time, trial, and error lol

Israfel --
and that 70% is the NIN/WAR who think they can tank.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-06-08 07:53:16  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
and Sevourn -- Reading the first post, i didn't see him mention anything about telling others to get meds. Also, him making a huge deal about it does make him an elitist, especially if he's barking out orders to other people to do what he wants. Let the *** learn from his mistakes, and blacklist him. Don't come in here bawing because someone didn't listen to you.

It was on the first page. if you read the first post of a multipage thread and immediately spout off an uninformed opinion, there's a good chance you're not going to have a clear picture of the whole situation

i agree that there wasn't any particular need for him to make a thread about it, but hey, that's what the regulars do, post about whatever random crap happens to them, ingame or out. i'm not one to judge there

as far as the barking out orders goes, please get back to me on how to lead a COP group after you've led one from start to finish in 2010, when 90% of the people who haven't gotten COP yet are braindead.

as it stands, you've apparently made it all the way to below the arks, so i'm sure you're full to bursting with knowledge on how well you can lead a COP group without giving orders
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 07:53:46  
Leviathan.Catnipthief said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Leviathan.Catnipthief said:
If the leader says to get the items because they are going into a dangerous zone, listen to them, get the items or *** off and farm to get the gil to get the items. They aren't expensive. Hell, i've bought a stack of each for someone just because they didn't have any and were poor, they paid me back in time, but ... S/I items > Magic always.
Fyyvoa - not everyone has 50mil like you do =P
I wish -_- They aren't really expensive though really, maybe ... 10-15k at the most for a stack of both? I normally roll on about 100k at most lol, far from 50m
100k is still rich to some people who try to sell stuff but other jerks undercut them and ends up selling a 50k item for 10k

/happened to me before

サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2010-06-08 07:54:07  
bah quote died on me lol

@Kalyna- That is true, Although if you have bad luck like my Nyzul Isle group and you don't have tools and you have to avoid gears..and have horrible aggro..XD you're S.O.L pretty fast because you're in a corner stuck haha
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2010-06-08 07:56:14  
Kalyna said:
Israfel --
and that 70% is the NIN/WAR who think they can tank.
Please tell me you didn't just say that NIN/WAR isn't a tank...
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-08 07:58:17  
Israfel ~ Don't mind Kal, he's a bit speshul 8D
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 07:58:39  
Caitsith.Surreal said:
bah quote died on me lol @Kalyna- That is true, Although if you have bad luck like my Nyzul Isle group and you don't have tools and you have to avoid gears..and have horrible aggro..XD you're S.O.L pretty fast because you're in a corner stuck haha
i hate agro =(
i also hate undead agro in desert...that almost ALWAYS spawn right next to me while i'm fighting a goblin...and right when they spawn i get a "random" lag spike" and by the time teh lag spike goes away and i'm finally on the other side of the OP, the damn undead is standing right there, smacking me.
S-E has it in for me i swear!

Sevourn (URGH quotes are half broke)-
I only read the first post and his attitude and honestly, i could care less about barking orders (because 99% of FFXI bark orders and are elitists), i'm just making fun of him based on the fact that he bitched about something so stupid to a forum
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 08:00:18  

Israfel - You can use nin/war as a tank but many and many people like spence who think they can tank as a nin/war suck at it. (i have seen some damn good nin/wars but they're very rare)
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-08 08:00:20  
Stop taking the fun threads off main page!!! >=(

And nice try Kal :P
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-06-08 08:02:48  
Fairy.Spence said:
Stop taking the fun threads off main page!!! >=(

And nice try Kal :P

they took it off the main page?

*** hell that ***is annoying
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 08:04:55  
Fairy.Spence said:
Stop taking the fun threads off main page!!! >=( And nice try Kal :P
voke more, silly fake nin/war
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-08 08:06:17  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Fairy.Spence said:
Stop taking the fun threads off main page!!! >=( And nice try Kal :P
voke more, silly fake nin/war

Don't hate me cuz I'm Canadian and better than you!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2010-06-08 08:06:50  
Fairy.Spence said:
Israfel ~ Don't mind Kal, he's a bit speshul 8D
yeah I'm getting that vibe, the more he talks the more I feel my IQ slipping away...

like the NIN/WAR line? dude I swear my face went>>

but hey! Let's get schooled on the workings of FFXI by someone that's probably played for about 5months and still can't grasp basic game mechanics.

サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 08:10:17  
Fairy.Spence said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
Fairy.Spence said:
Stop taking the fun threads off main page!!! >=( And nice try Kal :P
voke more, silly fake nin/war
Don't hate me cuz I'm Canadian and better than you!
yer not a reel canadian! you don't say "eh?"!
Asura.Israfel said:
Fairy.Spence said:
Israfel ~ Don't mind Kal, he's a bit speshul 8D
yeah I'm getting that vibe, the more he talks the more I feel my IQ slipping away... like the NIN/WAR line? dude I swear my face went>> but hey! Let's get schooled on the workings of FFXI by someone that's probably played for about 5months and still can't grasp basic game mechanics.
=( what i meant was most nin/war suck. there are good ones out there but it's rare.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Katniss
Posts: 704
By Sylph.Lotusbluete 2010-06-08 08:11:29  
lol wtf. i wouldnt have sneaked / invis this person either.

A) when youre leader youre usually busy, ppl spam you and ask about strategy, you have to talk in /p and /t and still take notice of where you walk – and of course sneak invis yourself
B) it can be a lot of downtime and REALLY annoying if either snk + invis keeps wearing on you and / or the leech you have to take care of. you just recasted your own ***and his will wear 2 secs later. look for a save spot to cast and blah~
C) in a place where stuff aggroes magic its even MORE annoying

so... if it was a friend of mine, i’d tell him he / she’s a dork for forgetting but i’d do it. if i told 2x in advance i’d rather tell the person to buy from someone in the group / warp back and buy from AH or wish them gl not aggroing w/o any s/i tools. if person moans about either, just kick. i’m not patient with stubborn leeches at all.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: shinobu
Posts: 392
By Sylph.Shinobu 2010-06-08 08:14:12  
You should have S/I him once then laughed when hes like "s/i is about to drop" and walk away.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2010-06-08 08:17:19  
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking said:
With satchel there's honestly no excuse to not have S/I. I keep 2 powders, 2 oils and 2 tools of each stack in satchel to bring out if I need them into my bag. All my money has recently went into pup but I ALWAYS make sure I have food, medicine and tools in my *** satchel for any occasion.

The main reason japanese players started hating doing events/leveling with us is because they hated S/I'ing NA like this *** who didn't have essential tools. Not all jp are smart, not all jp have good gear, but they ALL have S/I because it's easy to get and *** ESSENTIAL(for the retards: needed) It's even worse considering the fact he was told multiple times to bring them AND this was *** cop... it's not an event just for other people's benefit, he was gaining something from it and putting no effort in.

I don't say ***about ppl's gear unless their in full AF at 75, I don't *** if someone comes to bird camp and asks for 1 invis to get past mamools, I don't even *** when someone says they forgot sanction and runs back 10mins to get it, but this ***is ridiculous and you should post his name so he can get *** smeared into the ground.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-06-08 08:18:21  
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
yer not a reel canadian! you don't say "eh?"!

So... you acknowledge the fact that Canadians are better than you (specifically Kal!) though?
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7705
By Ramuh.Kalyna 2010-06-08 08:19:33  
Fairy.Spence said:
Ramuh.Kalyna said:
yer not a reel canadian! you don't say "eh?"!
So... you acknowledge the fact that Canadians are better than you (specifically Kal!) though?
You're better at being a better whiner than me, i admit that =P