PC Vs. Console

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PC vs. Console
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dizzmal
Posts: 227
By Hades.Dizzmal 2009-01-10 14:05:07  
lol read the last sentance in my post... I play many other games on this PC. so no this isn't all for FFXI. but it is nice to play FFXI on 1 montitor and Crysis on another .. meh ^^
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Moondaddy
Posts: 429
By Odin.Moondaddy 2009-01-10 14:08:43  
lol my apologies dizz^^. TBH only reason i have a 360 is because its easyer to take it to someone else's house than my pc is. Used to call it my traveling macro box^^
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Celene
Posts: 2467
By Asura.Celene 2009-01-10 14:22:34  
Moondaddy said:
TBH only reason i have a 360 is because its easyer to take it to someone else's house than my pc is. Used to call it my traveling macro box^^

Mobility ftw!
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2009-01-10 14:43:25  
i'd like to try it on 360. i started on ps2, then went to PC and couldn't go back to PS2. however now that i hear about dynamis without lag on a 360 i am dying to try it.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Pilsi
Posts: 62
By Bahamut.Silvarion 2009-01-10 15:05:20  
well, i <3 console gamin, but FFXI is pretty nice @ PC/Laptop.
i have a 360 too, but i would never play FFXI on it hehe.
Best reason is FREEEEEZZZEEEE at Besieged wuahah ^^
/comfort all xbox gamerz
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Kadengt
Posts: 34
By Garuda.Kaden 2009-01-10 15:17:01  
I prefer PC since it looks better then my ps2 brethren and I HATE the keyboard lag in the ps2 version, no matter what keyboard i was using. But, I have had my account compromised and everything deleted on it, so I had to start over, I'm Probably gonna re-hook up the good ole ps2 and play on there instead of my PC.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Pilsi
Posts: 62
By Bahamut.Silvarion 2009-01-10 15:21:25  
Ps2, yes, i think not much ppl still use PS2. Even if they hhad it b4, they prolly
changed to 360 or Pc
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-01-10 15:24:25  
I play on PC too. I am usually a console lover, hate playing with keyboards and such.. so i just hooked up a 360 controller. xD Problem solved! Works great too. I like the PC for its graphics and versatility. I got a very nice PC back in 04 and I have no lag issues, unless I'm running another program in the background. (like antivirus) On my server, loads of ppl who play on 360 don't even bother with besieged b/c they DC before it ends, w/o fail. A lot have the same problem in campaign as well. (Never played on any other system fyi) I use the POL windower, b/c I'm not a noob! <.< Don't need more macro's or w/e the hell else you need to cheat with. Just like looking stuff up or hanging out here while waiting.

Someone said console feel safer, but honestly if its hooked up to the internet and its on, its not safer. Only thing that makes it "safer" is b/c most (hackers) work with PC's and arent bothering with other systems. But some do, and if its an FFXI hack thing, you can believe someone is trying to get in.
サーバ: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Dubont
Posts: 629
By Remora.Dubont 2009-01-10 15:53:16  
@ Basilo: I'm sorry but Dell is horrible and the specs u posted are just as bad. That's probably why FF sucked so much on it. Btw, PC all the way. My PS2 version failed, 360 locked up in Dynamis 3 times. Been on PC 4 years no problems aside from ppl jackin my wireless connection.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Baelorn
Posts: 857
By Phoenix.Baelorn 2009-01-10 16:17:34  
Dubont said:
@ Basilo: I'm sorry but Dell is horrible and the specs u posted are just as bad. That's probably why FF sucked so much on it.

There's nothing wrong with his specs for playing FFXI. Some more RAM wouldn't hurt but FFXI is a lot more CPU intensive than anything.

@Basilo: Your problem is probably your nVidia driver. nVidia's laptop drivers don't play well with a lot of games. What you want to do is find a modded driver that works with your card. That fixed all of my problems with FFXI on my laptop. Look around here and try to find one that works for you: http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kyjelly
Posts: 27
By Asura.Kyjelly 2009-01-10 17:56:44  
i'd have to say hands down pc. its really nice when i can dual box on a good pc and still have 20 fps even in high lag places like dynamis
By 2009-01-10 18:03:31
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サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Jimmyjazz
Posts: 521
By Shiva.Jimmyjazz 2009-01-10 19:23:09  
Silvarion said:
Ps2, yes, i think not much ppl still use PS2. Even if they hhad it b4, they prolly
changed to 360 or Pc

PS2 represent! since PS2 N.America release.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-01-10 23:18:14  
Got PS2 and PC, playing on PC only mostly for multi-tasking reason. Listening to music while playing (can't stand FF XI BGM/SFX seriously, especially when 3hr in the same area lika in Dynamis). Also being able to browse the web while playing, chat, etc...

Dizzmal said:
I run AMD phenom quad core Overclocked to 3.6G with 16G ram(64 bit Vista ultimate) and 3 Nvida 9800GX2 in 3 way SLI format

The best Phenom is slower than the old Q6600. Even latest Phenom (X4 II 940) is just like 10% faster than a 2 year old Q6600. Seeing what comes after this, money ain't an issue for you, so either you're a true AMD fanboy that would rather waste money than buy Intel (I can understand that :d), either you're an idiot...

No FFXI isn't the only game I play on this PC, but it performs great and I never have lag.^^

I just hope that you're not just "playing" with this and use all these GPU for CUDA applications also :<
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: latcarf
Posts: 7
By Shiva.Latcarf 2009-01-11 03:14:43  
I was on PS2 for a few years until I got PS3. Now I play mainly on PS3, occasionally on PS2, and I've got WinXP loaded on my MacBook Pro and iMac to play FFXI on those machines. In practice I don't play it on Windows much though.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Trestan
Posts: 3
By Carbuncle.Trestan 2009-01-11 04:24:32  
I have all 3; PS2, PC, and X-Box 360. Why? Cuz I'm THAT hardcore... lol.

Anyway, I switch all of them really. I think I play mostly on my 360, because that graphics are just beautiful. I started off on PS2, moved to PC, then to 360. I would play on my PC normally, but my TV is bigger than my computer screen so... Hehe.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Pilsi
Posts: 62
By Bahamut.Silvarion 2009-01-11 05:07:36  
hehe,i play FFXI on my mobilephone :P
bigger TV is a good point but i like playin on small latop screen,
with access to internet.
サーバ: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Xynthios
Posts: 142
By Alexander.Xynthios 2009-01-11 11:08:59  
Been a PC player, through-and-through since i started playing.

I would love to upgrade to 360 though, i hear the graphics are far superior on that platform and that = less lag... i get a rather large amount of lag on events with lots of on the screen at once a lot of the time (Campaign with 4 groups of NPC, dynamis etc).

Would be nice to dual-box for that sole purpose also.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-11 13:32:45  
I have PS3, no ffxi for it, does it run decent on ps3? I do have one of the older models of PS3 which has Ps2 backwards compatibility, I only use PS3 for other games COD 4 and 5 and Sports games and stuff when i have friends over, have not really been able to justify picking up an old ps2 copy of ffxi for it seeing as i'm unsure of it's compatility.

I have a Quad core Intel Q6600 w/ 2 gig of ram, 2.4 GHZ standard clocked no need to run it faster than that for ffxi, (though i did recently slap in a thermaltake V-1 CPU fan maybe i should play with OC'ing some now) with a single Gforce 8600GT, been meaning to upgrade this to at least one 8800GT or a 9800 series for a while now, problem is my mobo (about 2yrs old Asus P5N-E SLI board) doesn't have PCI-E 2.0 and so it would involve a mobo upgrade as well to get full use of a 2.0 card, I lack the desire or funds to really upgrade this box since it runs amazing for what it's used for. I i don't use PC for any hardcore gaming, just lolffxi.

@ dizzmal, you have a pretty sick rig, that's overkill i't be funny if you only ran lolffxi. this game is pretty damn weak and ran just fine for me on a 1.8ghz P4 rig i had with a Gforce 7600GT card back in the day when it was released.

Since you can't really increase FPS beyond a games capacity no matter how much money you spend, i prefer to throw my money at my A/V and have it all sounding/looking better than keep the highest end PC equip, but that's me. Maybe if i was doing some hardcore video processing rather than just gaming i could justify a rig like that.

Also i dont see the need for the Intel comment you made, it really was a pretty poorly educated stab at someone and it had no effect other than making you look like a geek with an overpriced rig.

Regardless of if it's called a Core 2 Quad or someone says Quad core it's the same *** thing, it has 4 processing cores. Technically calling it a quad core processor is 100% correct regardless of it's manufacturer's name for it's line of quad core processors, i.e. a corvette is still a car. No need to be a D-bag about it.

@ Dubont, the specs he listed on his Dell system are perfectly adequate for playing ffxi, I ran a similar rig with no real problems long ago, till the thing ate a power surge and i upgraded. You do realize FFXI isn't a very demanding game right? At the time this game was released a 1.8ghz with 1 gig of ram was a very standard, solid system and will run ffxi like a champ, it's not like this is crysis on high settings here man, lol.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Moondaddy
Posts: 429
By Odin.Moondaddy 2009-01-11 15:01:21  
once more im gonna say it. 360 does not run better than pc. 360 lags just as much if not more in besieged dyna campaign or hell whitegate is nothing but total lag fest on 360. if you have pc and 360 dont waste $20 on getting ffxi for 360, its a waste. Only plus to having ffxi on more than one system/pc is if one system dies you can still play on the other.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Setherio
Posts: 1
By Cerberus.Setherio 2009-01-11 15:21:58  
Xynthios said:
Been a PC player, through-and-through since i started playing.

I would love to upgrade to 360 though, i hear the graphics are far superior on that platform and that = less lag... i get a rather large amount of lag on events with lots of on the screen at once a lot of the time (Campaign with 4 groups of NPC, dynamis etc).

Would be nice to dual-box for that sole purpose also.

I play on both 360 and PC. The 360 does have nice graphics. The thing that bothers me most about the 360 is that the resolution is too low resulting in the GUI appearing too big (taking up more of the screen that I'd prefer). The background resolution is nice though.

Depending on your setup for PC, the PC could appear better - or - worse than the 360. With my current configuration on PC, background resolution values maxed out (2048x2048) and all graphic settings maxed, it looks a lot better than 360, especially when you extend a draw distance. With a draw distance set to 10.0 I maintain a 30fps in most instances (dynamis, whitegate, etc being the exception). With a 15.0-20.0 draw distance I can maintain a 18-25 fps respectively.

All-in-all at that point it's preference. Sometimes I'd prefer to play on PC, other times I prefer 360.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Garuda.Hiroichirou 2009-01-11 22:42:42  
Dizzmal said:
PC all the way. 29.5 FPS most any time( including dynamis,beseiged, etc. I've had it drop 25 fps maybe a handful of times, normally with a zerg (DL,or somthing like that) That being said i'm waiting on the first "BS you can't run that high all the time!" post so ya. I run AMD phenom quad core Overclocked to 3.6G with 16G ram(64 bit Vista ultimate) and 3 Nvida 9800GX2 in 3 way SLI format. btw No FFXI isn't the only game I play on this PC, but it performs great and I never have lag.^^

LOL i almost laughed when i read this theres no such thing as 3 Nvida 9800GX2 , theres NVIDIA 3 way sli using 3 9800's or quad sli using 2 Nvidia 9800GX2's
but no such thing a 3 way sli using 9800GX2's and nvidia isnt releasing Hexa drivers anytime soon, apart from the fact that you would need a crazy PS over 2k watts and u would have to rewire the whole house or get a nuclear power supply and i dont think they have those yet ;) if they do good luck growing a second head XD.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-11 22:59:00  
Hiroichirou said:
Dizzmal said:
PC all the way. 29.5 FPS most any time( including dynamis,beseiged, etc. I've had it drop 25 fps maybe a handful of times, normally with a zerg (DL,or somthing like that) That being said i'm waiting on the first "BS you can't run that high all the time!" post so ya. I run AMD phenom quad core Overclocked to 3.6G with 16G ram(64 bit Vista ultimate) and 3 Nvida 9800GX2 in 3 way SLI format. btw No FFXI isn't the only game I play on this PC, but it performs great and I never have lag.^^

LOL i almost laughed when i read this theres no such thing as 3 Nvida 9800GX2 , theres NVIDIA 3 way sli using 3 9800's or quad sli using 2 Nvidia 9800GX2's
but no such thing a 3 way sli using 9800GX2's and nvidia isnt releasing Hexa drivers anytime soon, apart from the fact that you would need a crazy PS over 2k watts and u would have to rewire the whole house or get a nuclear power supply and i dont think they have those yet ;) if they do good luck growing a second head XD.

yah, i caught that blatant lie too but chose not to call it, well i'm slightly behind on my graphics cards so i was unsure, but last i read with gx2's it was still only going 2 way (2x boards) SLI.
By 2009-01-11 22:59:12
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サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-11 23:08:32  
Seemed too good to be true too lol, like the guy just went to tigerdirect.com, looked ok cool a mobo with 3-way SLI, picked the 3 most expensive boards to list on his imaginary rig, picked the most expensive processor just add a vastly unrealistic not to mention completely unnecessary quantity of imaginary RAM for a little more E-peen factor...

And BAM! imaginary rig to pretend like i'm big pimpin on an internet forum, this'll impress the chicks for sure!!

I'm curious to know what his FSB RAM and GPU's are all clocked at with all that. Also storage? 50TB @ 10,000RPM in RAID or gtfo. Not to mention just wtf he would use as cooling? lots and lots of liquid obviously, several pumps, must pump water through a 50grand rig..
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Garuda.Hiroichirou 2009-01-11 23:26:25  
Smurfo said:

Not to mention just wtf he would use as cooling? liquid obviously, must pump water through a 50grand rig..

ROFLMAO good one i almost spit out my tea when i read this it was so freaking funny XD
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-12 00:06:25  
The best part of it all is gloating over a 3 way SLI rig in an ffxi forum, a game created years agom before even 2way SLI even existed, a game which honestly runs decent on an old *** refurbed or possibly even a broken Gforce FX5600 AGP card.

Seriously ffxi wouldn't even stress out one 8800GT card, i'm sure your great FPS you claim are more or less due to your terrabyte of RAM. and honestly in this day and age, if you have a decent PC purchased within the last year or two and you lag at all, it's most likely your internet provider's or the server's fault over anything, this game is really relatively simple. lol

It's like if I went back to Diablo 2, now having a quad core pentium 4 instead of a pentium 2 or whatever ancient technology i was using back in the day of, with a graphics card light years ahead of the 16, 32 and 64 bit bus cards of that time, not to mention RAM dwarfing the 256mb higher end standard of that era, and thinking omg i'm the ***i have no lag in cows at all!
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-01-12 00:24:34  
Surely, if your internet connection cannot support showing another 50 people moving around on the screen, no matter how much of a beefed up liquid nitrogen cooled rig you have will it reduce the lag? Just a thought...
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Stubbie
Posts: 321
By Unicorn.Smurfo 2009-01-12 00:27:36  
nah, my pc i just throw a solid block of dry ice directly onto my CPU~ It really really helps the lag.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Garuda.Hiroichirou 2009-01-12 10:00:09  
Smurfo said:
The best part of it all is gloating over a 3 way SLI rig in an ffxi forum, a game created years agom before even 2way SLI even existed, a game which honestly runs decent on an old *** refurbed or possibly even a broken Gforce FX5600 AGP card.

Seriously ffxi wouldn't even stress out one 8800GT card, i'm sure your great FPS you claim are more or less due to your terrabyte of RAM. and honestly in this day and age, if you have a decent PC purchased within the last year or two and you lag at all, it's most likely your internet provider's or the server's fault over anything, this game is really relatively simple. lol

It's like if I went back to Diablo 2, now having a quad core pentium 4 instead of a pentium 2 or whatever ancient technology i was using back in the day of, with a graphics card light years ahead of the 16, 32 and 64 bit bus cards of that time, not to mention RAM dwarfing the 256mb higher end standard of that era, and thinking omg i'm the ***i have no lag in cows at all!

yeah but then again the engine they are using isnt helping at all, dont forget its directx8 which is another pain and ive yet to figure this out, if FFXI is CPU intensive how can the xbox 360 version slowdown so much its got more CPU power than any computer out there.

oh and my set up is
AMD Phenom x4 9550 2.2ghz
2gb of corsair dual channel (dont know what its clocked in at sry =(
250 gb HD SATA
ATI Radeon 4870x2 OC
700 watt PS
i cant remember what the board # is lol

and i play other stuff on it too like Dead space, crysis, COD5, Farcry 2, World in conflict, Brothers in arms hells highway. and they pretty cool and run decent and lol @ Dizzmal this can beat ur "uber rig" =P