SMN Stats , Do They Affect Anything ?

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SMN stats , do they affect anything ?
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 159
By Odin.Mikumaru 2010-07-19 11:33:46  
I been summoning for a while now , 6+ years , and havent really ever givin this a thought til recently . Up til this point i have always presumed , like the majority of you fellow SMNs have , that the only Stat we need worry about that affects our Avatars and Spirits peformance that isnt a clearly stated bonus on Armour ( Pet : MaB +XX ,Enhances Avatar Acc , Ect) is Summoning Magic Skill . I know a lot of the 'Mage' Set have shared stats , i mean a WHM doesnt have Dark Magic Skill naturally but they can still wear Nashira Crackows ,so whats on them isnt always important . What got me thinking tho about Stats that affect Avatar/Spirit Performance is the 1.) The Austere's Set , and 2.) Taking a closer look at Marduk's and some of the new 76+ Gear .
every piece of Austere Gear has a -CHR(-5 on NQ ,11 on HQ) on it . While BRDs can wear Marduk , which may explain the +CHR on it , i find it odd that Lv50 SMN JSE would make it a point to gimp this Stat , especially on the HQ set . HAs anyone done any kind of testing to see if there are any other Pet modifiers aside from Straight Skill and Job Level ? MaB ? MaCC ? CHR , MND , INT , VIT ? these are all recurring Stats on Armour wearbale by SMN . They arent always on SMN only Gear , but as some ppl who play WHM and/or PLD know VIT has a small effect on Cures , its not just MND .
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2010-07-19 11:41:33  
I think it was tested to death a long time ago and came to the conclusion no stat helps avatars much like no stat helps Wyvern pets or BST jugs. (ignore PUP cause they didnt exist)

I think the only reason Austere gear has CHR- is because its tattered robes that make you look like a hobo, its literally rugged armor, and rugged ain't very charismatic
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 863
By Leviathan.Remoraforever 2010-07-19 11:43:01  
Odin.Mikumaru said:
I been summoning for a while now , 6+ years , and havent really ever givin this a thought til recently . Up til this point i have always presumed , like the majority of you fellow SMNs have , that the only Stat we need worry about that affects our Avatars and Spirits peformance that isnt a clearly stated bonus on Armour ( Pet : MaB +XX ,Enhances Avatar Acc , Ect) is Summoning Magic Skill . I know a lot of the 'Mage' Set have shared stats , i mean a WHM doesnt have Dark Magic Skill naturally but they can still wear Nashira Crackows ,so whats on them isnt always important . What got me thinking tho about Stats that affect Avatar/Spirit Performance is the 1.) The Austere's Set , and 2.) Taking a closer look at Marduk's and some of the new 76+ Gear .
every piece of Austere Gear has a -CHR(-5 on NQ ,11 on HQ) on it . While BRDs can wear Marduk , which may explain the +CHR on it , i find it odd that Lv50 SMN JSE would make it a point to gimp this Stat , especially on the HQ set . HAs anyone done any kind of testing to see if there are any other Pet modifiers aside from Straight Skill and Job Level ? MaB ? MaCC ? CHR , MND , INT , VIT ? these are all recurring Stats on Armour wearbale by SMN . They arent always on SMN only Gear , but as some ppl who play WHM and/or PLD know VIT has a small effect on Cures , its not just MND .

It's just simple things that SE added to confuse players imo, because I don't notice any real difference with +CHR gear on my SMN. But then again, I wasn't studying really hard to see any differences either.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 159
By Odin.Mikumaru 2010-07-19 11:43:17  
i only ask cuz , while i am not searching very hard , cant find any real info on this topic .i mean INT and MND make sense for Staff WS , Support job stat build , but VIT is odd , sorta . i mean SMn doesnt get Spell Interupt Down on any AF , the only 'Mage' job w/o actually (BLU doesnt either i believe but we arent discussing them) . I mean BLM SCH WHM RDM get a 20% , and even tho RDM isnt a backliner (according to Square) SCH WHM and BLM are surely not Front line Mages there fore wont get hit , but they still get a 20% . I know a SMN doesnt get hit, or a least shouldnt be gettin hit , so maybe the VIT is for those few time they do ?
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Sedres
Posts: 122
By Unicorn.Sedres 2010-07-19 11:45:29  
One would suspect that these stats were, once upon a time, intended to have some affect on the job's performance, but the chances are the ideas were dropped when they finalised the job. They could also serve a more indirect purpose, like having a high base INT could be that the developers expected SMN to mostly stay at the side lines, and so most of the damage they take would come from magical nukes.

This is all just guess work though, by all means rate down and suggest your own solutions
By 2010-07-19 11:53:56
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サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-07-19 11:55:13  
I think mnd boosts Siphon yields..but thats about it for smn from what I can tell, other than obviously skill+
サーバ: Asura
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user: Tmuler
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By Asura.Israfel 2010-07-19 11:58:48  
Bismarck.Josiahkf said:

CHR affects killer traits people believe, but enmity wise I honestly have no clue if CHR is even included. Theorizing that CHR is to enmity like DEX is to Acc would explain SMN's CHR down stats though, meaning the 50 jse helps the Pet keep hate

I'm glad I am not the only one with this running through my mind^^~
Especially since at 50~ish is when some really nice bomb camps open up (Pre-Djinn days ;) )

gah! I have more to say but getting rushed out the door by husband :( lol, I'll try to add to this later, have a great day everyone~
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karbuncle
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2010-07-19 12:02:06  
Ifrit.Eikechi said:
I think mnd boosts Siphon yields..but thats about it for smn from what I can tell, other than obviously skill+

It does not, Only Summoning Skill+.

That and the Siphon+20 leg piece from ASA

Also, the MND+6/INT+6 on the AF+1 horn is probably SE adding stats that might be useful to a SMNs support job, MND being a Stoneskin Modifier and for Cures, etc.

I can safely say with stats don't effect Avatars anymore than a DRG's STR effects his Wyverns damage, or a BST's DEX effects a pets Accuracy.

Again, The -CHR was likely added because Austere gear makes you look like you've lived on the streets, or with Moblins (Galka?) for years.

Any other odd stats added to AF+1 or SMN specific armor is likely to support their Sub job, like Stoneskin mods, Etc etc
By 2010-07-19 12:03:46
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サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-07-19 12:06:40  
are you sure smn has more int than sch?
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 159
By Odin.Mikumaru 2010-07-19 12:24:10  
I can buy the -CHR being a representitive stat like the CHR+ on the Gala Corsage (it makes girls cute ) . As i stated before , alot of the +Stat bonus on AF and stuff we have been writing off as Support job Build ( MND/VIT for Stoneskin , Cure .INT for Nooks/Dark magic . Both for WS mod ) . I am just trying to get more info on this subject since there isnt a whole lot of it out there . Karby said it was tested to death way-back-when , but again there isnt any real info for those of us that arent aware of the test that were done at that time .
I play on PS2 and dont have the capability to run a Parsing Program to determine these things . the only thing i can do is fight mobs with known amounts of HP and see if they go down fast from str8 melee or something lame and time consuming .
I feel confident that there is infact no Stat , save for MP and skill , that is important to a SMN . I just want to make sure , ya know .
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mikumaru
Posts: 159
By Odin.Mikumaru 2010-07-19 12:28:29  
as far as the Highest MND/INT aside from 'this job' goes , there was time when /SCH didnt exist and the Stats boosted by SMN put the main concentration on the Main job since it gives no real support as a Sub job , unlike SCH , kinda.
They share , as support jobs , that they enhance the Main jobs performance , albeight in different ways , whhile not really offering any real added support , til higher Lvs . this become more apparent with SCH . i am not saying SCH is useless , but SMN now with SCH available is kinda useless in a Sub job role . Light and Dark arts are pimp , but most jobs have some/most the spells already gained by subbing it and if you dont you need to use a Strat Charge to access . Aspir isnt available til Lv72 /SCH (SCH36) and Sublimation isnt there til 70 (SCH35) . most would agree that WHM is the only one who really gains anything at all/most Lvs with its use . using /SCH on BLM is kinda suicide unless you have someone to Accension/Stoneskin or Earthenward OR if you dont plan on drawing enough Hate or dealing killing blow . Most BLMs will opt for RDM or WHM or even NIN for a defensive aspect .
/SMN offers nothing but a MP boost , higher stats , and an Auto-Refresh of 1 MP @ Lv50+ . Again the only one who would truely benefit from this is the era of /SCH is WHM , and even then i am sure most WHM would rather /SCH at any level than /SMN .
wow didnt mean to rant about that ..... Sorry guys .
By 2010-07-19 12:29:41
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By 2010-07-19 12:32:27
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サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-07-19 12:34:05  
FFXI stat calculator says they (sch and smn) have the same base int @80 with no sub
By 2010-07-19 12:37:19
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サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-07-19 12:39:04  
By 2010-07-19 12:44:15
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サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Eike
Posts: 5779
By Ifrit.Eikechi 2010-07-19 12:51:34  
i don't either, but the calculator is spot on (i tested it with my 75+ jobs)
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-07-19 12:53:12  
Bismarck.Josiahkf said:
enmity wise I honestly have no clue if CHR is even included.
olde mythe is olde
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Gouka
Posts: 1
By Lakshmi.Gouka 2010-08-16 11:21:55  
Honestly, I always though the Austere set had -CHR on it because it was dirty and ratty. :P

I've never seen or heard anything to support the theory that stats affect avatars, or that CHR affects Enmity +/-. To the best of my knowledge, the only way to buff your avatars is with merits, "Pet:" gear and over-cap summoning magic skill.

And speculating about the meaning behind stats on AF gear is a little silly; lots of older AF pieces have some really bizarre bonuses on them.
Posts: 5
By xyaku 2010-09-06 22:55:36  
Pretty sure the higher your Charisma, the lower the odds of you getting charmed (which is embarrassing for anyone who controls powerful beings themselves)or bard spells. So the way I see SE's perspective, is they merely look at the defensive side with smns stats...high int to lower aoe spell damage, high wis to resist enfeebles.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-09-06 23:09:18  
To be honest, I think high stats might be there to help with subjobs, or, they could just be high so SMNs didn't *** about having really low stats, regardless of if they are useful or not... I think the latter is the most likely.