Turn off all chat, that leaves you with fewer than half as many asshats to deal with.
The last game where I had idiots (some guy was spamming about his faith in Jesus, but he was for real), I gave first blood over the frustration, did very bad and so on. /mute all, fast forward 5min, I managed to ***on my lane and the rest of the map.
While we're on players attitude, I'm absolutely MIND BLOWN at how EUW is. I had 7 lobbies before I finally could start ranked, everyone was polite as *** "hi, I would prefer X and Y", everyone was compromising, everyone was nice. Then we get in-game, most of them just reached 30 the game before, they listened, they asked for advices, they followed them.
***, they were worse than the average Bronze V *** but the attitude alone made the victories incredibly good. Why can't people on NA be like that?!
Also holy ***at playing marksman with a ping of 26. All these last hits I would never get on NA...