Don't know why i have only just bought jinx she is amazing. Such a fun champ to play. Think I've settled on adc being my best role though i still like to try the other roles as much as i can.
Probably should try and main one role for ranked though. I only just finished my placement matches before end of season though so it probably doesn't matter too much yet. Whats everyone elses opinion on sticking with one role or playing them all?
I think the masteries are actually pretty powerful, not even needed to get to 21 points either. Can have incredible sustain in top lane, at least on nasus it felt like it.
I do miss the -turret damage mastery though. Also losing the -damage % mastery kind of hurts. Playing taric I felt much more squishy than usual before I bought some items.
As for the vision wars, it feels pretty strange still. And teemo is OP since you cant sweeper the whole map like oracle could. Havn't seen much evelyn.. yet.
Karma is so fun to play, especially if you associate vulgar things with all of her abilities and shout them out whenever you use them.
I was thinking of the video of the guy yelling at his cats, so:
Q = *various*
E = I'M GOING TO R*** YOU!!!
Just had a Katarina go crazy on our team and get 2 penta kills in 5min by some stupid plays, but then with the combination of my ult+shield and Nami's tidal wave we managed to ensure she didn't get a single kill for the rest of the game... and won. :>
Has anyone here at least given this game a try or plays it? I enjoy it a lot for what it's worth. It's a MOBA-style game and it's completely FREE unless you want to buy skins(merely aesthetic) for champions. All the champions are well-balanced and can be purchased with Influence Points earned from matches.