I seem to recall helping a friend work on a dagger trial that required 200 qutrub kills on a specific day. At least it was only 200.
I think one of my MNK trials is 450 apakullus or w/e they're called. Not particularly looking forward to that one.
The lottery pop NMs ones can be annoying, regardless. I remember going to camp orctrap, and was waiting for the ferry in Carpenters landing. I turned to talk to someone in the kitchen for I guess a little longer than I thought. I turned around and the ferry was leaving, and the npc said some ridiculous amount of time (something like 45-60 minutes earth time) before another ferry would arrive. That was kind of annoying.
lol theres one that requires killshot with Leaden Salute like about 1000 time or something daft.
pow! have that >.>
To get the level 80 relics\mythics the last trial is 2000 killshots with the relic\mythic ws D:
The worst part (so far) has been having to get 1500 Kill shots using Leaden Salute on Undead. Yes thats right a dark based magic WS on mobs that resist dark damage by 50% baring any other resists.
50 raptors under fire/wind/light/thunder weather.... most would laugh, but Cape Teriggan gets weather once every 6 hours (for less than 20 mins) or so....
250 Golems on Lightningsday, specially when Zipacna is up.
So far mine have been pretty good. I've staggered the two daggers I'm making so I can do a couple of their trials at the same time (for instance, one has arcana and the other has evil weapons. So I timed them to be at those points together, then dual-wielded them so it worked for both. Later one has leeches and one has amorphs. Again, I can do those together.)
The only time that I think it will be bad is the staff trial my husband and I are doing together. We'll just have to do it twice, because we can't both get the killshot. That's annoying, but once it's done we'll love those staves, so it's ok.
Trust me i rater do soulflyers on lights day than 200 Apkallus... you can only kill about 10 of them per game day before the whole zone rages.. 1st is hard to kill w/o feeling bad due to their cuteness XD , 2nd they pull a buddy unless you can sleep em for the final blow. 3rd they become stronger to the point you hit for 0 after 10 kills, 4th they wont reset unless you clear hate doing a quest.
Trust me i rater do soulflyers on lights day than 200 Apkallus... you can only kill about 10 of them per game day before the whole zone rages.. 1st is hard to kill w/o feeling bad due to their cuteness XD , 2nd they pull a buddy unless you can sleep em for the final blow. 3rd they become stronger to the point you hit for 0 after 10 kills, 4th they wont reset unless you clear hate doing a quest.
Ok going to help you out a bit here. I just finished this trial last night (450 kills on MNK). Hate on Apkallu is server-wide, not individual. It's also broken up into the 2 zones where Apkallu are found. There's only 2 ways of resetting hate. One is trading fish to the NPC apkallu. The other is just waiting it out. After so much hate is accumulated however, the first option is no longer an option. The NPCs become aggressive so you're forced to wait it out. Hate on apkallu is not gained through kills but from each and every blow landed on the apkallu. So the fewer blows used to kill one, the better. The blows are broken up into 3 categories as well: Physical, Ranged and Magic. Each hit from each type will increase the apkallu's resistance to that type of damage until it ultimately becomes immune to that type of damage. Your best bet is to bring a party that can deal all 3 types of damage and use 2 handed weapons/footwork/spells to increase the amount of apkallu you can kill before they become impossible to kill. The most I had killed at one time was 150ish in Arrapago reef.
sweet! the problem is get ppl go kill them >.< everyone avoids them , the one time found a pt to kill it was all 3 of us NIN's so the amount of hit rate was insaley fast >.>
but is great info, going solo was able to kill only about 10 >.< before they refused to die.
I seem to recall helping a friend work on a dagger trial that required 200 qutrub kills on a specific day. At least it was only 200.
Dagger Trial 33 ... eww... Done it once and getting close to needing it again. However, it's a piece of cake compared to Dagger 1109 (250 Golems).
The worst part of them both is that the mobs are a pain in the butt and they don't reside in a place that has native weather of the type, so you're basically forced to go day only. Also, it's not stuff that's EP and easily soloable. Best thing is to plan the day of the week and start shouting in WG about an hour before hand. Either that or bring a group of friends with you.
50 raptors under fire/wind/light/thunder weather.... most would laugh, but Cape Teriggan gets weather once every 6 hours (for less than 20 mins) or so.... 250 Golems on Lightningsday, specially when Zipacna is up.
Not looking forward to 200 cactaur during earth element/day. Gonna have to bring my npc and /bst to help deal with 1000 needles if nobody else is in the zone.
Wamoura x450 was a little rough, very resistant to melee and blaze spikes spam sucked. By blaze spikes i mean, 50-60 dmg a hit blaze spikes, and putting up enfire at the same time so you had to dispel x2 most times.... With my wife we pulled off 40-50 kills a night with our little pt.
Have to say though soulflayers would make me not even attempt a weapon with that as a trial.
Hippo's you can kill in riverne site B, with a 74 sync giving you almost all as easy prey.