Character Sorting?

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Character Sorting?
Posts: 13
By Cara 2010-11-02 18:57:23  
It'd be kinda nice to have some way to sort the character list similar to the way the friendlist can be sorted..
Posts: 13
By Cara 2010-11-03 17:22:06  
For reference as to why this matters:
Characters are currently sorted in the order you add them.. and are forever frozen in that order. Even if you unlink them and re-add them in a different order, they'll always go back the initial sorting for some reason. For someone with a lot of characters, this could result in a messy disorganized list. (For example, my main character might be in the middle of the list, and someone that's basically a crafting mule could be at the top..)

I realize this isn't high priority a request, but it'd be very useful I think. (At the very least, for our FFXIAH profiles..) Alternatively sorting the character by Alphabetical ordering wouldn't be so bad either..
Posts: 13
By Cara 2010-11-04 23:16:49  
As it turns out, as a semi-related effect to the characters not sorting and being stuck in the order they're initially added.. If a character is deleted and remade under the same name (or I presume if anyone else made a character of that name themselves) the achievement listing doesn't refresh properly..

Take a look at:

Both have achievements from prior versions of themselves.. (And in Cara's case, her newer achievements are getting mixed into the old as well.. creating a very inaccurate listing.)

An easy solution to both problems (that I can see) would be to just delete the character profile when it is unlinked, as opposed to just removing the attachment it has to the account. That way achievements would update accordingly, and one could sort their characters by just (re)linking them in a specific order.
Posts: 13
By Cara 2010-11-05 03:35:04  
..and the achievement screwup apparently is now fixed. Oh well, good work. (An edit post button would be delightful, as I feel silly replying to my own posts to add information like this, but oh well.)
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Scragg
Posts: 2,579
By Fenrir.Scragg 2010-11-05 11:34:50  
Hey, I noticed the problem you talked about. Linking the achievements to the lodestone id rather than the ffxivpro character id should fix it.

I rarely have stuff removed from the database, rather it be flagged or unlinked in this case. This way the operation can be undone if needed.

As far as ordering characters, it is a simple thing to do but does take time to implement and most users have one character per game. :-) I will look into that edit button now.
Posts: 13
By Cara 2010-11-05 23:48:34  
I was a little embarrassed to point out the achievement issue only to check back the next evening and see it fixed. It seemed like a bad bug, but then when I saw it was already fixed before getting a response here I felt silly for ever mentioning it. (Especially since it's kind of obscure an issue.)

As for removing stuff from the database.. yea, I understand that. I was just trying to think up a quick solution that would solve both problems.. which is why all the more that I felt silly when I saw you fixed it so quickly! I also appreciate the edit button tremendously, which is honestly awesome of you. ^^;

Thanks also for considering the sorting addition. I realize it's probably kinda low priority.. but it's one of those things that I can see irritating me and the rare few others with multiple characters. (I love this site and FFXIAH, but I am a real stickler about getting my profiles tidy on any site.)