You know, I had intended to get pictures with my friend Jessica at Stone Mountain, but the weather and her family did not permit. Such is life.
Not gonna lie Liela, I liked your other hair better :P sorry!
Alpaka, nice way to double fist~
That's all right. ^^ I know most guys prefer long hair on women. But it's hot, it gives me a headache to pull back, if I pull it to the sides for two braids or something to give the back of my head a break, I look like a child. Sleeping on it is awful. It's really uncomfortable for me to sleep with it on my neck, just so hot and sticky and tickly. Also every time I roll over I get hair in my mouth and nose, and whenever my husband tries to cuddle me he gets mouthfuls of hair. Not sexy! lol ;; So I took to braiding it before bed to eliminate all of that, but then I'd wake up in the morning with a headache from having it pulled back for 7-8 hours while I slept.
Long hair is so gorgeous on women who can handle it. I am just not one of those women! xD