By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2011-06-03 05:58:17
Quite a necro <.<
Anyways, I'll chime in.. Best way you can make money off crafts is by filling a demand.. That should be obvious, but lots of people seem to think the demand lies in new gear/weapons, when it doesn't.
If you can find something to make that other crafters need, that they can't easily make themselves, then you can make money. Obviously, you're not going to make much by making say, iron nuggets and trying to sell them when the only market for them would be armorers and blacksmiths, they can make it themselves, the mats to make it aren't hard to come by either.. The only people who would buy them are people just straight power leveling the craft and not thinking ahead.
Think more along the lines of making wood chips to sell to leatherworkers, or leather straps to sell to people making weapons that use them.
The problem is SE has put a hell of an emphasis on making people craft, so there's a good chance someone can just turn to their LS for those needs. My retainer is backed up to hell with gear atm, just because it sells so rarely.. I haven't even made most of this gear to sell, if I made something for someone, I went ahead and made a few while I was at it to stock up my retainer, after a couple of weeks (a long with the random gear drops and getting gear from quests) my retainer is nearly full of gear waiting to sell.
Right now the only two ways to really get a good supply of income from crafting is either have a very high level craft and make the current 'end game' gear, or find a niche no one is fulfilling..