Rowena New NM Leves Npc

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Rowena new NM leves npc
Posts: 19
By darkbrillance 2010-12-19 04:40:16  
Hiya, i have some problem with this NPC unless i'm overlooking something.
I did the NM leve and obtained the Allagan Runestone - Oschon wich correspond to "Harlequin's Belt".

I Speak with Rowena using the "Tell me what you have." option, then a list of items pops up, i pick the "Harlequin's Belt" and she says this:

"Rowena: A harlequin's belt, is it? Then this is what I'll need from you─an Allagan runestone - Oschon, 3 circles of peiste leather, 2 circles of storm-blue boar leather."

I have in my inventory the Runestone + 3 peiste leather + 2 circles of storm-blue boar leather, after that dialogue she asks me "Complete the Exchange? yes or no" picking yes will result in this:

"Rowena: I ain't runnin' a charity here. Exchanges are only made when payment is made in full."

And she doesnt give me the item, anyone knows why? am i overlooking something? Or is it bugged?
サーバ: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
Posts: 177
By Midgardsormr.Zenshiro 2010-12-19 07:33:10  
did you try and trade the npc? or maybe you need gil or you doign somethign wrong ; ;
Posts: 2
By xEdyn 2010-12-19 08:11:16  
It's bugged. Quite a few people have been unable to trade the correct items for the belt. You'll just have to hold onto your rune and wait til SE fixes it.