I think that entire statement came out of the Obama's NOT getting an invitation to the Prince Williams wedding ceremonies.
Due to his oh so adorable wife insulting the queen on their last visit.
And also his oh so camwhoring wife taking up the lime light at any event she attends always making crude statements.
They are afraid the Obama's will steal their day and have made the statement that Michelle will NOT be invited.
So Obama may be the figurehead for Americans but he's not very good at seperating his own feelings from what his country actually calls for.
Obama has to be the second worst president in American history. He listens to nothing the people say and he has his own agenda he follows like a shark on a blood trail. Hate to send the stereotype breakwave here but he seems like nothing more than a stuck up higher education ego trip who has yet to take a fall in life.
Oh how I will enjoy it when he crashes.
To all you idiots who voted him in thinking there would be change.
I've got change for you, it jingles in my pockets.
A penny for your thoughts?