By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-01-18 15:54:46
50 Shells, 50 Scales, 75 Claws
The hardest part for us is still probably Shells, because it's the hardest to tempt other people into helping you with the Tahrongi stage. Your best bet is to team up with someone going for a Chloris Empyreal (Blacklion in my case) who has a realistic amount of playtime for Tahrongi and Attohwa.
Chloris + Glavoid = Lacovie = Augur Gloves, Goading belt.
We tossed in Ocelot Trousers (I built pearl on T1/2 VNMs), Iratham, Quetzalli, and Myrm as well when required.
Itza+Ulh = All four types of head +2 items.
That was enough to get people to come out most times. We also popped a Lusca or two for people who had the pop.
Now, Monk Empyreal in Altepa is just unrealistic really. The drop rate off Dragua is pretty terrible, and Orthrus is a pussy. At this point, I'd recommend striking out on your own.
Orthrus, Bennu, Hedjedjet = All four times of Body +2 items in about equal proportion, along with Atheling Mantles, Soulscourges, and DNC/PLD/BLM/COR body seals.
That was enough to get people interested, but 75 was a lot of claws.
Edit: About Walk of Echos, I did it a few times and never saw a useful coin drop. It may still be easier than doing a full Empyreal, but not by thaaat much. It's mostly easier if you're already getting the coins from doing runs for gil with your linkshell.