anyone looking at a decently priced laptop for gaming i would recommend
17 in monitor and the 870m does basically as well as the 780. the cpu is off the charts for the price and you're not paying an absurd amount for whichever ssd they decide to throw in. this is the one i'm buying. going to get a samsung ssd and probably leave the ram @8gb. 8 is more than enough for gaming and anything higher is only good for running multiple programs at once. however once you get over the 8 you start running into issues with heat because they draw more power.
That's actually not bad for the specs.
I have a MSI gaming laptop, can confirm it is a good brand. No problems and I've had it for a few years.
Cool it seems alot of people like MSI. Think I'll save this one then, and grab it when I have the money saved up (or if I can get a payment thing through amazon.... but I doubt it)