Every time I come on here, I see seha's avatar and I get the whole let it go song stuck in my head. So even I close my eyes lol I can still hear the song playing in my head lol
I'm so glad my kid is too young to get all hyped up about that movie, I think I've watched it more than she's seen scenes from it (watched it twice when I first downloaded it, and my nephew has been watching it a lot).
But fortunately my mind has a way of blocking things out, I blame shitty satellite radio at the place I used to work, kept playing really terrible songs all the time.
So tell me this: why do guys' pants have so many buttons? What's wrong with zips?
My pants usually have 1 button and a zipper, I don't know what pants your guys over there have. (not including the pants that have buttons on the pockets.