-.-; One of the mods on AoE II keeps causing it to freeze, even after unloading all my mods and clearing the cache it still freezes... so uninstall reinstall to see if that fixes the damned problem.
I need to pick that game back up...
Hmm, one of my virus scan programs just quarantined a file from one of my other virus scan programs as a "heuristic virus". Now that one has declared war on the other, I expect them to delete each other within a week.
Why do you have two?
Hmm, one of my virus scan programs just quarantined a file from one of my other virus scan programs as a "heuristic virus". Now that one has declared war on the other, I expect them to delete each other within a week.
One thing I hate on my anti virus is the damn false positives. Annoying but it's better than have viruses running rampant. -_-;
I'm soon going to switch over to more linux, especially since with my recent experiences with Xubuntu being very positive, and how much XI doesn't complain being run in a vmware vm.