Carbuncle.Josiahfk said:
»This is why people need to put solid energy into having a close friend or two instead of being selfish all the time; Frustrating to see people nonsocial or completely no energy/effort put in to befriend or help anyone and then all of a sudden ***hits the fan for them and they can't handle it alone and turn to strangers.
This is one of the things people say they are afraid what technology is doing to all of us. While we can talk to other people, we are disconnecting ourselves from interacting with other people. While we can talk about things, unless you are actually around the other person, you don't know how they really are.
I mentioned awhile back about not wanted to meet a racing club because I didn't know why type of people they were, I still didn't go to meet them. While it wasn't out of being antisocial, it was more avoiding the possibility of getting drama in my life that wasn't there before.
Another thing I talk about once in awhile is about finding a girlfriend. I would rather be her friend, see how she really acts and meet her friends before I even start thinking anything beyond a friend. Usually I find out after a few months, they weren't even my type and I was just staring at a pair of *** and *** rather than thinking if this person could be the right person for me.