Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
By Jetackuu 2015-01-17 23:10:19
Shows how much I know about Futurama. :<... 'tis a shame
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By Anna Ruthven 2015-01-17 23:11:03
Also, I read the bolded of the OP in Burned Alive and just clicked out. Do yourself a favor and ignore it.
Should we ignore it because its awful or because altima is up to his usual spam again, thus making it doubly awful? It's disturbing.
EDIT: Futurama is pretty funny, Kali. I suggest trying it out sometime. I keep forgetting to check out Archer.
By Kalila 2015-01-17 23:15:29
I've watched the first season or so, just stopped for some reason, not sure why. It was pretty good.
By Bloodrose 2015-01-17 23:27:37
The new season of archer is pretty damn funny
"I am Landario Calrisiano"
By Jetackuu 2015-01-18 00:04:49
Everyone's jerking off.
except me, and I wish I was.
By Jetackuu 2015-01-18 00:29:50
On a lot of computers that are used in servers, there's not much difference, short of the $.
I mean yes generally they use SAS drives, some sort of raid controller, faster (and possibly more) cpus, and can usually hold a *** more ram, but all depends on the build.
But you're aware of this already, just at times it amazes me as to what people want to pay for for a machine, or in the alternative what people try to get away with when they should be using something else.
I'd personally like a full tower workstation as a Personal PC, something you could effectively (and I see it in a lot of cases) running as a server.
I had been running a linux PC as my file server for some time now, and as of today just got a diskless NAS that I migrated my drives to.
As soon as I figure out how to configure SFTP/SSH file transfers to it, I'll start migrating the data to it.
By Jetackuu 2015-01-18 00:36:20
I also built a family member a new PC as their's maxed out at 2GB of ram (dual core compaq POS), so I got them a cheap barebones and had at it, I thought about keeping that board for myself and just giving the one that was running my file server to them, and even started to do so, but changed my mind when I realized I couldn't put both my video card and my extra nic in the new board. The only thing I don't like about the hardware I was running my "server" on is that it caps at 8GB of ram (it's at 4 right now due to a stick dying and I've been lazy about the warranty replacement), and that it doesn't allow hardware bypass to VMs (not that big of a deal).
I'll probably replace the ram, throw my good PSU in it again (threw a 300w pos in it for now, it's not even booted up, was thinking of just running it at basic, 1 hdd no optical, nothing), throw my extra NIC in (it's PCI-E 1x, so placement of the slot on the board, along with just about any graphics card now can totally ruin the usage of it) and my old 550ti in it and just use it as a straight linux box to *** with.
I'll work on that Monday I think, unless my friend cancels on me tomorrow, or I finish my assignments real early tomorrow (started the semester on the 8th and already behind).
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33,979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-01-18 01:37:27
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33,979
By Bismarck.Dracondria 2015-01-18 01:44:47
By Jetackuu 2015-01-18 02:25:10
So I've been on the highbridge for a few days now, mostly due to being busy other than playing, the rest to geind a bit as I am rather understat, the high risge honestly kicks my arse, I barely beat seymourv2 but I reset it to do it again without losing auron to break. That and I got too close by mistake, was still grinding.
By Kalila 2015-01-18 03:29:36
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-01-18 03:37:36
looks similar to the wallpaper on one of my monitors
By Artemicion 2015-01-18 03:41:16
....So how was your day RT?
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-01-18 03:43:48
*aspect ratio isn't as screwed up as it looks here, it's 1080p just like the other screen. dunno why picture came out smooshed.
the 1440p screen
By Kalila 2015-01-18 04:34:28
This has to be the most hilarious Reddit topic I've ever seen. The creator is only 14 years old, but such a great idea to get people involve and have fun with it. I've never seen someone gifted so much gold either.
What tasty food would be distusting if eaten over rice?
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.