Still no Spiderman.
I know, I know - ownership reasons. But seriously, there goes their continuity.
he is in the movie but are prolly waiting to show him in a trailer till the last one like they did with Vision in Age of Ultron
few months back marvel did work out a deal with sony for him to be in the MCU. first appearing in Civil War before his own solo film in 2017, rebooting the franchise. the solo trilogy will be released by sony but produced by Marvel so sony still makes money and owns rights to it, but allowing spidey to remain in the mcu from here on out for other avengers movies as well. he will be played by Tom Holland so we will finaly get a wise cracking teen age spider-man like when he was introduced originaly in the comics and not some 30yo pretending to be one. and it wont be an orign story either, according to Kevin Feige <the guy basicly in charge> spidey is all ready busting up street level crime, and is mentiond in a scene in Ant-Man about how Falcon is looking for Ant-man, and one of the heros that is mentioned is "one that can climb walls and swing through the city"
edit: its going to be the fourth film in phase 3, following Civil War, Doctor Strange <yay!> and Thor: Ragnarok