So if anyone playing XIV on Excalibur is looking for an alexander static both one the ones I run with need people for 3.4...
Afternoon one (1-4 eastern on tues/wed/sun, technically an EU group) needs a caster and whm or ast. Evening group (6:30-9pm eastern on tues/thurs) needs a sch. If anyone is interested hit me up, i don't really care how much exp you have/had with Midas. Or if you know anyone and want to send them my way.
Also, there's a certain murderous rage that takes over me when someone who is on my cellphone bill won't answer their phone.
I should shut them off.
welcome to .1% of parenting woes my friend.
It was my parents on my bill though, not the other way around.
parenting goes both ways, they do you from 1-18 and then you do them as they get older and more feeble
At least my mom, the one who doesn't pay a part, answered on the second call. My dad got like six and never answered.
Maybe he's like my dad and can't find his cell phone even though it's always in his front t-shirt pocket and also always jumps and screams hysterically when someone calls him because he has it on the loudest ring possible right by his face.
Also, there's a certain murderous rage that takes over me when someone who is on my cellphone bill won't answer their phone.
I should shut them off.
welcome to .1% of parenting woes my friend.
It was my parents on my bill though, not the other way around.
parenting goes both ways, they do you from 1-18 and then you do them as they get older and more feeble
At least my mom, the one who doesn't pay a part, answered on the second call. My dad got like six and never answered.
Maybe he's like my dad and can't find his cell phone even though it's always in his front t-shirt pocket and also always jumps and screams hysterically when someone calls him because he has it on the loudest ring possible right by his face.
They're at Lowe's, which apparently now has a casino department, so he can't hear it.
Their casino thing is why they can't say anything about me collecting guns and hoarding ammo. I'm not one of those "guv'ment is comin to take m'guns and m'Jesus" or zombie apocalypse types, I just think a trip to the range with less than like 150 rounds is a waste of time.
This is a thread that I found on another website I post at. It can be really really interesting. I thought it deserved a place here.
Post your random thoughts for the day here, or anything else that intrigues you.
For starters, is it possible to give constructive critism to someone who doesn't have a neck? I totally just walked by a girl who didn't. Someone isn't getting a necklace for Valentines day!
And who decided black and white can't be colors? I want to say a racist. I really do.