I have a daily routine of 30 sit ups/30 squats/30 lunges/30 crunches
One-third punch woman!
Actually kickboxing or something sounds really neat...cause of all my inner agression....but then again possible breakage of legs and arms.
Going to the gym and ***also forces me to go outside, cause for the rest I rarely go outside if I dont have to <.<
(I'm just like most on here, the world is a scary place!)
It was a reference to a tv show dorknerd!
Are you just not a social person? Or more so just introverted etc?
...thanks to Candlejack I know its a reference to a TV show, if you told me a week ago I wouldnt have had a clue what you were talking about though :p
I'm extremely introvert, my job makes me deal with people...but thats fake, I put on a show. Online I'm very outgoing but irl I get paranoid when I go outside. When I do go outside I undergo a day or two of mental preparing.
Atm we're renovating a house cause we'll be moving our business in april/may and I havent been to the place in weeks now cause I just cant deal with the contractors...and now my bf has to do all that.
Eitherway I've come along way compared to when I was younger, I used to go into a catatonic state when unable to express what I meant.